Tag: Fails

Ten Things To Think About Before Buying a Ladder Online

Ten Things To Think About Before Buying a Ladder Online

Buying a ladder online is not just a convenient and efficient way to access a…

Top 10 Cats Ruining Perfectly Good Photos

Cats have a nasty habit of ruining perfectly good photos. From weddings to perfect holiday…

Top 10 Tangled Up Cats Who Hate Blinds

These ten cats not only hate window blinds, they have also decided to do something…

Top 10 Gift People Shouldn’t Have Bothered Wrapping

It is hard to wrap a gift sometimes without letting people know what it is….

Top 10 Fail Dogs Who Suck At Playing Fetch

Sometimes my dog does the silliest of things over a simple throw of the ball….

Top 10 Dogs Who Suck at Playing Catch

My dog loves playing fetch. Up and down the field chasing the ball, every day,…

Top 10 People Who Are About To have Their Car Stolen

I’m not really sure what the drivers of these vehicles were thinking. From silly locks…

Top 10 Ways Not to Install a Satellite Dish

Many people think that setting up a satellite dish is an easy task and can…

Top 10 Obviously Fake Ferraris

This post isn’t about some dodgy second-hand car dealer! The very fake Ferraris you are about…

Ten of the Worlds Most Awkward Photos of Couples in Love

I have to wonder if these photos are trying to capture the marital bliss, or…

Ten Silly Animals That Got Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs

Looking back over the posts I have done with animals stuck in things (like my…

Ten Rather Sad Looking Christmas Trees That Don’t Have Any Festive Cheer

Maybe it is because these people are poor, or maybe they didn’t want to put…

Ten of the Worst Christmas Jumpers You Will Ever See

Christmas is a time of year when we all have to suffer from some of…

Ten Awkward Family Halloween Photos That Will Make You Cringe

Family photos tend to fall into one of two categories—sweet or awkward. With the potential…

Ten Shop Signs That Are Clearly Lying (or Badly Placed)

The other day I was in my local corner shop and I noticed something funny….

Ten Pimp My Ride Fails You Wouldn’t Have Seen on the Show

Most of us have seen the TV show or at the very least seen images…