Ten Silly Animals That Got Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs

Looking back over the posts I have done with animals stuck in things (like my post “10 Cows With Their Heads Stuck“) there is a piece of garden furniture a lot of animals are attracted to, but sadly for them end up getting stuck inside. That piece of patio furniture I’m talking about is a plastic lawn chair, it’s almost as if it’s an animal magnet…


Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Cow stuck in a plastic garden chair

10 – “This necklace is not my colour.”

As you will come to see in the following images, cows are far too curious for their own good. But a few other animals are also the guilt of doing that as well.

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Elk stuck in a plastic garden chair

9 – “They told me to take a seat.”

At least you could kind of excuse the Elk, the snow is white, so was the plastic patio chair, it was just a matter of wrong place, wrong time.

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Horse stuck in a plastic garden chair

8 – “This new saddle is rubbish!”

Horses are always so playful. so when you leave a patio seat lying around they see it as a playtime toy. Sadly this horse thought it was also a necklace as well.

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Cow stuck in a plastic garden chair

7 – “I saw another cow do this, so I thought why not!”

It was almost to the point that I could have done a whole top 10 with cows stuck in plastic chairs! But I thought it was a little too cruel to pick on cows only.

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Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Goat stuck in a plastic garden chair

6 – “A little help here please, this is not good for my image at all.”

If ever there was a farm animal that could bring trouble and mischief it is goats. And this goat looks like he has had far too much fun in the picnic area of the local petting zoo.

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Donkey stuck in a plastic garden chair

5 – “It seems I am making an ass of myself.”

A Donkey making a fool of themselves? Well yes, they do seem to have a habit of doing that, and this one thought his field was missing some patio furniture.

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Cow stuck in a plastic garden chair

4 – “How do I do the sit?”

Yes, even more, cows! But looking back over the images, maybe it isn’t the cow’s fault at all, maybe it is the chair that is attacking them because it always seems to be the same white patio seat!

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Cow stuck in a plastic garden chair

3 – “What else am I supposed to sit on out here in this field?”

You have to go down a rather unlucky streak in life to get your head stuck in a patio chair in the middle of a fairly empty looking field. I wonder how their owners got the chairs off their heads?

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Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Sheep stuck in a plastic garden chair

2 – “This is a Baaad situation for sure.”

Sheep can be funny most times of the year (See my post “Top 10 Funny Sheep”) but leave a child’s garden chair out and to a sheep, it instantly becomes a fashion object!

Top 10 Animals Stuck in Plastic Garden Chairs
Dog stuck in a plastic garden chair

1 – “When you said sit, I thought you meant…”

If ever there was a guilty looking animal this dog is it. And there is no denying it, he ran just that bit too fast trying to get to his ball and this is the result. Did he get the ball? I guess we will never know.

Author: Gus Barge

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