Valentine’s day goes by quite a few names, the Feast of Saint Valentine, Dia de São Valentim and here in Wales, we call it St Dwynwens Day. And it is also at different times of the year depending on where you live. But call it what you like, when you like. These ten stunning art installations are sure to get you in the mood for love…

10 – Montreal
Made by street artist Roadsworth, he or she made several hearts in rather urban and run-down locations all over the city. It is well worth visiting the link and seeing the rest of them.

9 – New York City
We take a trip to NYC and not for the last time because they have a new art installation each and every year! But this one is a little odd for my tastes.

8 – Brooklyn
Sometimes it is the odd art insulations that stand out more than the cute and happy ones. It seems Serge Miquel is not a fan of Valentine’s day at all. Poor flowers, but looking at the size of the flower bag it was one massive and a very expensive bunch of flowers!

7 – New York City
Yes, we are once again back to NYC, this time to look at “Heartwalk” which was designed by Brooklyn-based Situ Studio. There is a really powerful message behind it that I will leave you to discover yourself by visiting the image.
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6 – Colorado
The Valentine Phantom is a group of people who go all over Colorado hanging or sticking paper hearts anywhere and everywhere. It does lead to some amazing images for this post that is for sure.

5 – Paris
Nick Walker seems to have a lot of love to give, and when he gives it via his street art it is loved and enjoyed my millions. All art should be like this.

4 – Baltimore
Made by artist Michael Owen, these massive signs are designed to make Baltimore city be a little more loving towards each other. I wonder if it worked!?

3 – USA
To some people, deep snow might put a dampener on Valentine’s day celebrations, but to Fred Evans Jr., Shannon O’Donnell and Kevin Gieniec it is something to be made beautiful. This would not fail to make people smile as they drove by that is for sure.
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2 – Beijing
I just loved the more unusual style of this art installation by Zhang Zhaohui, but people are all sorts of different sizes, so is the message behind it that one size fits all?!?

1 – New York City
Made from over 400 transparent acrylic tubes with LEDs in them the heart inside the cube beats more intense colours correlating to how many people touch the “Touch Me” heart pad on a circular stand next to it! The idea is people work together to show a lot more love.