It might be Valentines week but, but there are some people reading this who have no-one to give any gifts too. But they shouldn’t feel left out, they should just do what most of us men do and love yourself! And what better way to look at the one you love than with one of these amazing mirrors…

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I am sure that for many people a razor blade mirror is a design statement or something like that. To my eyes, it is just weird, but strangely fitting for a bathroom I suppose.

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Those with a good memory might remember this from the post “Top 10 Repurposed Skateboards” and I still think it is one of the coolest mirrors I have ever seen. But as you will see below there are some very creative designs out there.

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I am not sure why I want one of these or even where I would place it if I had one, but these penguin mirrors are just too cool for words and I need to p-p-pick one up.

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It does take a few moments for your eyes to adjust to seeing this very cleverly disguised Batman themed mirror. It will be a good way to see just how geeky your friends, loved ones and family are.
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If you need a special mirror for Halloween why not use this Skull themed one. I just liked the cartoon style theming to it rather than anything too dark and scary.

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This might look like a rather plain style mirror, but this is a full 42″ HDTV! Made by Samsung while the TV is off it is a normal mirror, but the shine soon goes whatever you put the TV on! Now that is very cool indeed. Just a shame they cost more than my whole house!

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Take a few hundred bits of wood, wire them all together and put mirrors on the end of each and every bit of wood. It might sound simple, but I am sure it is not. No matter how much work is involved it leads to creating one amazing mirror.

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If you liked the gift ideas in my post “Top 10 Unusual Tetris Gift Ideas” you are going to love this block dropping themed mirror. The only problem I can see is I suppose it might be a bit of a pain lining the blocks up on the wall.
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Most of us men spend a lot of time in the mirror adjusting our look with shades and a comb, so why not give the cool person in your love one of these cool shades mirrors!

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Creative, stunning and amazing are just 3 of the words I would use to describe these amazing art designed mirrors by Caryn Moberly. It is made to look like the mirror flows between the two pieces of wood and the effect is simply incredible. Sure they probably cost loads, but love (even if it is love for yourself) is priceless.