Taking care of the trees is something we should all be worried about. They are some of the biggest living organisms on the planet and they give us oxygen and store carbon. While most trees can look a little samey there are a select few that are simply out of this world…

10 – Maior cajueiro do mundo
It looks more like a giant growing puzzle than a tree, but that is what makes these Pirangi Cashew Trees so amazing, they grow upwards, outwards and sideways at any given time!

9 – Dracaena plant
This mushroom-shaped tree is not only unusual for its looks, but its sap is blood-red and is often used for medicine and dye for very expensive violins.

8 – Araucaria araucana
Sadly the monkey puzzle tree is under threat in its native Chile, but UK gardeners also grow it. I’ve seen a few myself and they are very unusual and spiky indeed. But there was no monkey sat in it doing puzzles.

7 – Bactris gasipaes
Here is a tree that you are not going to be climbing in a hurry. Those spikes are definitely not hugging friendly.
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6 – Sequoia Sempervirens
There is no picture in the world that could possibly show you the scale of these record-breaking trees. The one you can see sticking out above the other giant Redwoods is 115.24m tall which is almost as tall as the London Eye!

5 – Ceiba pentandra
It might be called the Java cotton or silk cotton tree, but this tree is anything but silky smooth. You might want to give this tree a miss while out tree hugging because of it’s thousands of nasty looking spikes. It reminds me of a giant rose.

4 – Eucalyptus deglupta
It might look like some kind of art installation, but these trees have amazing rainbow coloured bark that changes colours as the years past. The older the tree, the more colourful it will be.

3 – Adansonia
You can spot a Baobab tree from far away thanks to its very unusual tall growth and mega thick trunks. The biggest as a 47-metre circumference!
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2 – Juniperus
In Spain, they call this the tree “El Arbol de la Sabina” which sounds like a magical name, but what makes it really magical its ability to change form to the direction of the wind. So when the wind blow from only 1 direction like the image above it only grows one way!

1 – Plinia cauliflora
It might look like it has some kind of fungi infestation all over it, but those are massive berries that the locals often use to make juice and wine.