Top 10 Best Human Friendly Dog Breeds

We live in an age where it’s virtually impossible to live without a dog in your home. This is not only because these furry friends are the best, most loyal companions, but also because they protect families, and they would quite literally put their lives on the line for their owners. That said, it is important to know your breeds, mainly because some dogs are easier to transition into, and they make better pets.

Keep in mind that not all breeds work for everyone, and finding one that fits you and your family is more complicated than finding the best dog food for german shepherd puppy, For this reason, you should ensure you do a bit of research into dog breeds and how they adapt to training.

Here is a list of the 10 of the friendliest dog breeds and why you should consider them over others.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Human-Friendly Dog Breed

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

First on the list is King Spaniel. Known throughout history as one of the most loyal of all known breeds. They are the friendliest, a bit enthusiastic, which means they typically require a substantial amount of attention. Spaniels range in several different colours, from black and white to black/tan. This breed goes to about 18-20 pounds, and up to a height of about 13 inches. They are great companions, highly responsive and easy to train.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Staffordshire Bull Terrier – Human-Friendly Dog Breed

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Another common breed is the terrier. This muscular dog may seem a bit fierce from a distance, but it is naturally one of the most gentle, most human-friendly dogs out there. Most people like bull terriers because they have great personalities, and they are often a joy to be around. They are pretty heavy though, and some varieties may grow up to 40 pounds! So perhaps you should be a bit careful when they play around your kids.

Their one stand out characteristic is the fact that they are fiercely loyal, and they can be trained to do anything from being a watchdog to fighting. Terriers can grow to about 16 inches, give or take, and they come in half a dozen different colours, from white, black, brindle, fawn and more.

Border Collie - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Border Collie – Human-Friendly Dog Breed

Border Collie

Third on the list is a fairly lesser-known breed, but one that is still as human-friendly as it gets. Like most breeds, these dogs are agile and highly adaptable. Other than the fact that they like to hoard things together, they are super loyal, and they do very well in sports and other challenging activities. Your typical Border Collie can grow to a massive 55 pounds and 22 inches, so they can be quite heavy. They like to please as well, so they make very good companions.

Bulldog - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Bulldog – Human-Friendly Dog Breed


Contrary to popular belief, bulldogs are a very gentle and reliable breed. Although they are docile and a bit lethargic, bulldogs are highly loyal and they adapt well to other pets in your home. Your visitors also won’t have to worry about anything because this pretty is very receptive to outsiders. Bulldogs also have a rather pleasant personality, and they are fun to be around.

Vizsla - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Vizsla – Human-Friendly Dog Breed


Although a rather uncommon breed, the Vizsla is one of the friendliest breeds. It does require some extra attention in terms of exercise, but other than that it is a great addition to families. Like most breeds on this list, Vizslas are gentle and obedient. However, this is one of the breeds that are full of energy, so when picking it, ensure you don’t have small kids.

Beagle - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Beagle – Human-Friendly Dog Breed


The beagle is a calm, energetic breed that is ever willing to please. It’s highly intelligent and adapts well to other pets. The small type of beagle breed is sturdy, so you are guaranteed a high level of activity. If you want a dog that loves the outdoors, is loyal and fun to have around, then the beagle is it!

Poodle - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Poodle – Human-Friendly Dog Breed


This is probably the one breed that you can choose to match your living space. The poodle is one of the gentlest, most adventurous dog breeds you can find. It’s an adventurous, playful species, one that is easily trained. Poodles are predominantly gentle, so you don’t have to worry about your kids being around them. Poodles are very elegant species, obedient and easy to train, and although they don’t make the best guard dogs, they are an instinctively loyal breed.

Newfoundland - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Newfoundland – Human-Friendly Dog Breed


Considered one of the gentlest and most patient breeds on the list is the Newfoundland. Fondly referred to as “natures babysitter’’, this dog is intelligent, friendly, and it has a personality that is hard to match. Although large, this breed is gentle with kids. Of all the breeds on this list, the Newfoundland is the easiest to train, and they catch on quick.

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Irish Setter - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Irish Setter – Human-Friendly Dog Breed

Irish Setter

A playful, rather enthusiastic red-coated breed with an affinity for people. This is one of the breeds that is considered the most human-friendly, loyal, and they typically love being around people. The Irish setter is a playful species, so you will need to ensure you give it lots of attention. Although scheduled grooming is particularly important for this breed, it is a good dog to have around.

Labrador Retriever - Human-Friendly Dog Breed
Labrador Retriever – Human-Friendly Dog Breed

Labrador Retriever

Another very common household breed is the labrador. Growing to a rather towering size, this dog is gentle, kind and one of the most favourite dog breeds around. Labradors are also among the more intelligent breeds, easy to train as well, obedient, and highly loyal. Labradors adapt well to everyone, so you won’t have to worry about them attacking strangers randomly. Their massive size does require a bit of extra room to manoeuvre.

Bottom Line

Most dog breeds are relatively human-friendly, it all depends on your situation, and why exactly you want one. Hopefully, this list will give you a slight idea of what suits you and your family.

Author: Gus Barge

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