It might make for a funny image, but there is a very thin line between putting things on a cat’s legs and causing animal cruelty. But I am as sure as I can be that these 10 images you are about to see are nothing but mindless fun with a very patient cat, whom I would imagine hurt their owners shortly after these images were taken. So let’s get those Caurday images going…

10 – Captain Rolls
This cat looks like it has been boxing with them rather than walking around on them. Maybe the cat using them as a set of punching gloves!

9 – Sexy Sleeper
Now, this looks just wrong on so many levels. If you think this one looks weird you should see the others in my post “Top 10 Cats in Tights”

8 – 80s Cats
I am not convinced that a cat needs leg warms given the fact that they are covered in fur! Still, the retro look really works with this feline fame dancer.

7 – Robot Cat
I can’t work out if this cat is fluffy or it hasn’t moved in a very long time. Maybe it is those toilet roll tubes stopping him from exercising.
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6 – Slipper Poser
The problem that cats wearing shoes have is they are often too big and cover their entire legs! But if a cat could walk in slippers I would pay money to see it.

5 – Poor Puss
I am not one to show a cat hurt, but I think this cat is milking it a little too much. But it does have a splint on its leg so let’s give it some sympathy anyway.

4 – Bog Legs
We saw this in my post the other week called “Top 10 Toilet Roll Holders” and it is still very funny indeed. In fact, the cat looks strangely relaxed about it!

3 – Bread Legs
This person hasn’t really got the idea of cat breading yet so has made a bit of a mess up of it. Still, they get a ten out of ten for effort.
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2 – Conspiracy Theory
This poor kitty thinks people all over the world are watching him go about his daily chores, so has decided to stop the signals escaping his brain. No more catnip for this pussy!

1 – Puss in Boots
If you enjoyed the Puss in Boots from Shrek you will love these ankle length boots on the cat! They almost look like wellies, but I bet the cat can’t walk in them, now that would be impressive.