Blogging is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from the first post to the last one you will ever do. But along the way, there will be a few things that will happen that stand out from the others. Many bloggers will still be waiting for these to happen and the rest of us will smile at the memories of when it happened…

10 – Community Badges
Maybe it is the classic “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” or the “One Lovely Blog Award” whatever it is, this is a great feeling. Knowing that someone picked you for the award. Even I wrote out a whole acceptance speech post and who I would like to thank.

9 – Guest Post
Whether it’s being allowed to post one on someone else’s blog, or allowing someone to post their blog post on yours. Either way, this is a great feeling.

8 – Social Media Shares
Seeing someone post your article on social media for the first time is a fantastic experience. Sharing it, or even a retweet gets the stomach flipping.

7 – The SEO Results
Seeing your own blog post come up in Google (even if you have just searched for your own blog name) is a fantastic feeling. All that boring SEO work was worth it all along.
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6 – The Reblog
This is one feature I miss most about not being on Getting that very first reblog is a fantastic feeling. Someone loves your post enough to share it on their own blog! Money can’t but good feelings like this.

5 – That First Pingback
At first, you feel confused. It looks like a comment, but it’s not. Then you work out that someone has linked to your blog on their own. You might feel a little annoyed at first, but you will soon realise that this is a good thing.

4 – The First Comment
You can look at the stats pages all you want, but getting that very first comment is an exciting moment and one you will remember till the end of time.

3 – Stats Spike
Seeing those stats shoot up vertical, sudden and unexpectedly is one of the best feelings a blogger will have. You might not truly discover why it happened, but you would be glad it did.
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2 – Making Money
That first “$”, “£” or “€” earned will give you a fantastic feeling in your belly. And in the back of your head, you will hear that fabled voice “You can make a career out of this!”

1 – That First Reader (who isn’t a member of your family, or a friend)
There is nothing like your first, real reader. You won’t know who they are, but the analytics will tell you as much as it knows about them and what they did. There is nothing greater than this experience. The experience of knowing you are a true blogger.