The dictionary tells us that there are only two types of logical arguments. One deductive, the other inductive. Why? Because these two types of logic provide the complete evidence of the truth of its conclusion. But what type of logic is cat logic…

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This kitty refuses to move until the door is open, but yet he hasn’t noticed the breeze rushing over him in all other directions.

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Why sleep in any of the two beds when you have a nice comfortable sideboard to sleep on!?

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The old idiom “can’t see the wood for the trees” comes to mind looking at this cat logic. Sometimes cat logic kinda makes sense and other times it makes them look plain stupid…this is one of those times it’s the latter.

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Yes, this cat really does still go through the kitty door even though the actual door is wide open.
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When you have two beds, why not sleep in both of them! Is this really cat logic or is it one cat being greedy!?

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How do you trap a cat? Simply place a large sponge on their feet! Serious, this cat is frozen to the spot and seemingly can’t move! Its a good job it wasn’t a wet cloth it might have broke his toes!

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There is nothing like the comfort of a cold, flat cardboard box. Much better than that comfortable cat basket with extra thick bedding.

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This is obviously a diagram showing the closest path between two feeding bowls. At least one of them gets a comfortable seat for meal-times!
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So you got your cat a new, fluffy igloo for them to feel warm and safe inside? Well, cat logic will tell them to sit on the roof like a Meerkat.

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Leaving the lid off that automatic cat feeders was never going to end well as this kitty not thinks its a self-service till!