Do you carry your own water and try to reduce the amount of plastic waste you cause? If you do you might want to get one of these weird, crazy and unusual water bottles. Each of them stands out and has a little touch of your personality stamped on them…

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Drinking bottles of water don’t have to be boring. The Flavor-It Water Bottle lets you add a splash of fruit taste to it via its fruit infuser!

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Out on a nice walk, but have hopes of bumping into a pub with a summer garden (purely by accident of course) then this water bottle carries everything you need for the perfect day out.

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Thirst can sometimes feel like a fire in your throat. Now you can douse those flames with this hand water bottle extinguisher or maybe one of these amazing things you can fit in your pocket!

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There no play on words or magical powers used here. This water bottle really does self-fill by extracting water from the air as you cycle your bike!
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You’ve tried the light side, the dark side now you need to try the wet side!

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Building things from Lego can be very thirsty work. That is what Lego made these to keep you hydrated!

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The beer’s official slogan is “Can’t Get Enough of That Wonderful Duff”, and when it comes to water you really can’t!

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Sure, it is only decals on the outside of the bottle, but it makes me smile.
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It’s not very often you come across a wooden water bottle, but that is exactly what this one is! (Apart from the plastic top).

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This post is ending with a genius of an idea. Not only does this water bottle keep you hydrated, but it is also pressurised meaning you can wash your hands and feet down with it after going to the beach!