Made by Japanese sculptor Kohei Nawa, these ten amazing works of art are all made by covering the surface of an object with transparent glass beads. Not just small ones, but ones of different sizes to create a sort of dew effect. The idea sounds simple, but the results are nothing short of amazing…

10 – Lamb –
What you are looking at is a normal stature of various animals with glass beads places very strategically over the top of it. The effect is something new, something amazing from the original stature.

9 – Wolf –
It’s almost like these sculptures are real animals frozen inside some sort of time bubbles

8 – Fawns –
Maybe it is just my interpretation of the art, but I find there is also something rather sad about some of them.

7 – Koi Carp –
You would imagine that if you placed this in the water it would instantly swim off!
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6 – Dog –
By taking an otherwise boring dog statue and adding the glass beads it seems to make something new, an almost mysterious sort of shape rather than the original dog shape underneath.

5 – Wild Boar –
I really liked this quote by the artist: “By manipulating the tactile nature of surfaces it changes the way we come to understand and interact with it.”

4 – Deer –
This is definitely one of my favourites from this collection. The way the beads keep the colour of the deer’s skin is amazing.

3 – Leopard –
Some of these sculptures look so amazing you might be forgiven for thinking they are real animals trapped under the glass beads!
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2 – Rabbit –
What I really like about these works of art is the way the colour from the original structure shimmers through.

1 – Elk –
There must be thousands of the glass beads used to make this, but all the hard work of the artist really pays off. Please do remember to click any of the images above to see the rest of this amazing artist’s work