I have always envied artists. They just seem to be able to look at something like a brick wall or blank canvas and imagine something beautiful! The artist behind today’s post to takes that wonderful creativity and imagines amazing things from everyday objects! His name is Victor Nunes and his creativity knows no bounds…
BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Silly Jokes About Art

10 – “I am so shy, whenever I see a bird I always end up looking nuts!” – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – Why did the artist cross the road?
A – To see from the other side.

9 – Welcome to the world of Cornopia! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – What do you get if you cross a painter with a boxer?
A – Muhammad Dali!

8 – Corking Good Fun! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – How do Japanese artists bid farewell?
A – Cyan-nara!

7 – Tasty and Talent all on one amazing picture! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – What did the artist draw before he went to bed?
A – The curtains!
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6 – The artist really is a cut above the rest. – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – What did the artist say to the dentist?
A – Matisse hurt!

5 – I might have to make some of these myself in the office downtime! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – What did the artist say when he finally finished his Bas carving?
A – What a relief!

4 – I need to show my little boy this, because vegetables have never looked so much fun! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – Which barnyard animals are famous painters?
A – Vincent van Goat and Pablo Pigcaso!

3 – “Is it just me, or does some of these seem kind of nuts?!?” – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – Why was the artist afraid he might go to jail?
A – Because he’d been framed!
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2 – The more he seems to sharpen his pencil to create one, the more he had to create! – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – Why was the make-up artist so bad at putting make-up on?
A – Because they make up that they were an artist so women will sleep with them!

1 – Clipper Creations – by Victor Nunes Faces
Q – How many artists does it take to change a light bulb?
A – Ten. One to change it, and nine to reassure him about how good it looks.