Summer is over and Autumn is starting to show it’s colouring already. The grass has stopped growing, the leaves are falling off the branches. All in all, it’s the perfect excuse to have some fun playing around in the leaves…

10 – Cat
I’m pretty sure this cat is more likely scratching it’s back on the crunchy autumn leaves, but it still looks fun.

9 – Pig
Looks like this little piggy has been having a bit of a nose digging truffle hunt as well.

8 – Owl
This bird looks like he is nesting in the leaves, maybe he is just sat eating all the bugs that live in them as well.

7 – Hedgehog
Being a natural woodland creature, the humble hedgehog is almost invisible in his nest of leaves.
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6 – Guinea Pig
This pet Guinea Pig almost seems to blend into the leaves rather than stick out like a sore thumb like most of these animals.

5 – Rabbit
I was going to show a wild rabbit here, but being brown they are almost invisible. This white domesticated one is a lot easier to spot.

4 – Dog
Have you ever been so happy you lept into the air in joy? Nor me, but it looks lots of fun!

3 – Meerkats
They are normally a playful animal anyway, but when Autumn gets here they get to play hide ‘n’ seek in the leaves.
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2 – Lion Cub
You know you’re in the wrong woods when you see a lion cub jumping out of the leaves at you. He seems to almost blend in as well.

1 – Ferret
I remember seeing a ferret (not this one) playing in the leaves in the middle of the woods once. It reminded me of my own childhood fun and I hope these images did the same for all for you as well.