My other half bless her has a thing for clothing pegs. Once a single clothes peg gets broken from her peg basket we have to get a whole new set of them because she likes her pegs to be all the same type! Well as you might imagine that means there are a lot of non-broken pegs left to throw away, so I have been wondering what else I can do with them…

10 – Fly me to the washing
There are no waiting times with this aeroplane service, but it might still leave you hanging out to dry. Bad puns aside this is a really good craft idea that only needs a little bit of adult supervision.

9 – Lightly Pegged
To be fair you are going to need a whole basket full of clothing pegs to pull this one off. But with a good making guide and simple instructions, there is hope, provided you have enough pegs to fill a washing line.

8 – Go Wild
With a little bit of extra cardboard and some imagination, you could create an entire zoo from clothes pegs! There isn’t much of a making guide in the link, but then again there isn’t much making to be done!

7 – Not the toy
This is not the toy peg guns I used to make as a child, with a rubber band and the slight chance of a light bruise. This is practically a real gun, with a 20-meter range and the ability to stick a toothpick into an apple it is not something you would want the kids making. But as far as cool things made with pegs go, this is a good one! (If slightly dangerous.)
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6 – Mirror peg on the wall, who is the craftiest of them all?
Using an old round mirror and a piece of ribbon you to could create one of these rather amazing wall mirrors that has an outside made of clothes pegs. Don’t worry about working out how to make one because there is a full making guide in the link.

5 – The Happy Couples
If you have a flair for art, why not makes some of these happy looking clothes peg couples. With enough spare pegs you could recreate an entire series of Strictly Come dancing, or dancing with the stars.

4 – Countdown To Christmas
OK, it might not be anywhere near the festive season just yet, but in terms of ideas, it is a rather good one. Instead of buying those rather expensive chocolate Christmas calendars, why not make your own using some only cardboard and pegs! You could also use clothes pins to do this as well.

3 – Plant Pegs
If you really like this idea, but don’t think you have the craft skills to pull it off, you might want to visit the link and read the making guide, because these little peg herb plant pots are much easier than even I thought possible. In fact, I have even made a few of my very own already!
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2 – You got Peg Mail!
Without too much craft skills needed comes this idea that uses old clothing pegs to send messages to people. Just pinch the peg as you would before hanging the clothes on the washing line, and the paper message inside reveals its self! Well, it made me smile anyway.

1 – Break a World Record
The article in the link describes this as one of the ten easiest world records to beat, but if you can peg 60 clothes pegs on your face like Garry Turner here you are a better person that I am, because I think it looks rather painful.