Have you toured with some of the biggest bands in the world? Do you own a Youtube music channel with thousands of subscribers?Or are you just the best player in your street at Guitar Hero?!? Well, you are nothing unless you officially own at least one of these ten status objects…

10 – Aquarium
It might look nice, but I bet it is a nightmare for the fish when you start playing it. Best hope your guitar rifts sounds just as good underwater as they do in your own ears.

9 – Sink
So you own everything guitar shaped apart from the kitchen sink? Oh, dear. That means you are nowhere near this guitar rock god!

8 – Car
Only the legendary customer car maker George Barris could have made this awesome looking custom made a vehicle. Let’s hope it has a good car stereo installed?

7 – Hard Rock Cafe
There couldn’t have been any other restaurant chain that was located on this guitar-shaped grounds. For those who want to know it is the Hard Rock Cafe Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
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6 – Sofa
You will need something to sit on after a long gig at Glastonbury, so what better way to express you headline act status than with a guitar-shaped sofa.

5 – Garden
You have retired from the music scene and most of your fellow band members are in a retirement home, so who not spend some time gardening and relive those musical inspiration days.

4 – Motorcycle
You drive about town on this looking to see if fans still recognise you from the early years of rock ‘n’ roll. If at least one person asks for your autograph you can consider yourself a true rock hero.

3 – Boat
I have featured this image several times, and you know that singer-songwriter Josh Pyke who is driving the boat has some serious guitar playing skills to back it up.
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2 – Jetty
Looking out over your lake within your mansion grounds you know you have had a good career in music. Now just sit back and play the fish some sweet tunes.

1 – Swimming Pool
This is Blur bassist Alex James’s guitar-shaped swimming pool and one that is shown all over the web. Let’s face it if ever a guitar hero was worthy of it. it is him.