I have read various blog posts that try and tell me that pigs are one of the cleanest animals on the planet, well that is rubbish, they roll around in mud getting dirty just for the fun of it! But there are a selected few that do like to keep their feet clean…

10 – Green Boots
This little piggy looks like he as gone to market got halfway and remembered he has left his wallet at home! The angry trotter will be cursing under his breath all the way home.

9 – Pig in Boot
This little piggy now lives in a shoe after hearing the nursery rhyme he thought it sounded like a great idea so moved into a big one.

8 – Steel Trotter Caps
This rather fake looking pig knows it is best to wear work shoes while on a work van! If this was a real pig I would have been rather impressed indeed.

7 – Ballerina Pork
She might be a pig, but she is light-footed and can dance ballet just as well as us humans can! She can’t sing as well, but the music is all about the dance.
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6 – Bling Piggy
I don’t know about the front half of this pig, but the rear end look fabulous! If this was made to advertise shoes, it is a very weird advert indeed.

5 – Slipper Sniffer
I’m not convinced this image is real, I think you could get a pig to wear cow slippers, but not look so happy about it that he is smiling.

4 – The Fashionista
This piggy it looking to get lean and mean! No eating this pig, he is running in various marathons and shaking his curly tail on the catwalk!

3 – Muncher
This little piggy had all the roast beef he could handle, then decided to finish it all off with some tasty, fresh grass. He doesn’t like going near the mud, in fact, he showers regularly!
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2 – The Puddle Jumper
This little piggy went splash, splash, splash, all the way to the middle of the woods because he simply loves jumping in puddles, just so long as they are not too deep.

1 – Ickle Pig Piggy
This little piggy went wee, wee, wee, but he didn’t go all the way home he just stood there making that sound because his rubber boots were too big for him and he didn’t want to fall into the mud.