We have already seen some mighty tall trees, but what about other plants like flowers? These ten flowers you are about to see are the tallest in the world and some of them are so tall they are difficult to maintain! This is no flower pot trickery, they are just tall species of flowers that all look simply amazing in their own right…
The Top 10 Tallest Types of Flowers From Around the World

10 – Sunflower – Average Height: 1.8 m (6 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
While the average height of a Helianthus isn’t that tall this flower you see in the image is 8.75 metres (28 ft) and is the worlds tallest. But you might also notice that it has had a helping hand with some support. Still very impressive though.

9 – Tall Verbena – Average Height: 2 m (6.5 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This tall and slender flower is a member of the verbena family and is native to tropical South America where it grows throughout most of the warm regions like Brazil and Chile.

8 – Delphinium – Average Height: 2.1 m (6.8 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Its common name is “larkspur” and while it only grows on average 2.1 m (6.8 ft) the one in the image is 3 meters (10 ft) tall and it the work of David Fraser from Dumfries.

7 – Echinops Giganteus – Average Height: 2.7 m (8.8 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
There is said to be over 120 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, but none as tall as Echinops giganteus which is one very tall globe thistle indeed.
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6 – Yucca – Average Height: 3 m (10 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
With its sword-shaped leaves and large terminal panicles of white flowers, it is commonly found growing in rural graveyards of the southwestern United States.

5 – Titan Arum – Average Height: 3 metres (10 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This might be one of the biggest flowers in the world, but the last thing you want to do is hang around until it blooms because when it does its flower is said to smell like “rotting flesh” and this gives it its scientific name of bunga bangkai – bunga means flower, while bangkai means cadaver!

4 – Alcea – Average Height: 3.3 m (11 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
With over 60 species of flowering plants of Alcea it can be hard to tell them apart, but when it comes to Alcea longipedicellata it’s not hard to see how it gets its name! This one in the image is a mind-blowing 15 ft tall which easily makes it the tallest Alcea hollyhock in the world.

3 – Giant Viper’s-Bugloss – Average Height: 4 m (13 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
While the average for this plant is just 13ft the one in the picture is 16 ft and is said to be the tallest grown in the UK. But they are found in the wild in the Canary Islands which it is step up from a garden in Devon
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2 – Boltonia – Average Height: 6.3 m (20 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It’s not hard to notice the resemblance when you discover that Boltonia is a genus of plants in the sunflower family and it found native primarily in North America. It might be thin with small flowers but its stem strength can still help it grow to extraordinary heights.

1 – Bromeliaceae – Average Height: 12 metres (39 ft) Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
This monocot flower often grows between 3–4 meters tall in vegetative growth, but on top of that, it has a flower spike that grows 9 to 10 meters tall as well! It makes you wonder how on earth it gets water all the way up there!