The internet is buzzing with opportunity for students and teachers alike to achieve the financial freedom they are hoping for. Whether you are still a student who is looking to take what they’ve learned in school and transform it into a popular website, or if you’re a teacher who is passionate about what they do and wants to share that knowledge with others, niching down and creating a site is a great way to do that. In this article, we are going to share with you 10 niches that will provide you with the traffic and success you’re aiming for.

10 – Listicles
We know the word listicle sounds like a part of a man’s anatomy, but we assure you it is nothing like that! If you’ve been around the internet, you’ve come across these sites. A listicle is an article that lists items – simple right? Sites like Buzzfeed and TheRichest has made quite the name for themselves off of these types of articles.
How can a listicle-type site work for you? Well, depending on your area of expertise, you can generate lists that highlight key items. For example, if you’re learning about fashion, you can create listicles about everything fashion and beauty related. If you’re passionate about music, you can create listicles about artists, songs, record companies – anything.

9 – How-To Guides
What’s the first thing you do if you’re presented with a task and you don’t know what to do? You’re going to look on YouTube or Google to find a solution. Sites like WikiHow and How-To have made a killing in this segment because they provide instructions for just about everything.
You can bolster your how-to website with written instructions, but also include videos showing the steps precisely as described in your guide. Not only will you be able to generate an income on your site, but you can also generate income on your YouTube channel as well.

8 – Current Events
Okay, this one is a bit vague because there is so much going on in the world, it is absolutely impossible to keep up. However, you can niche down even further and decide to create a blog or website that focuses on what’s going on in entertainment, politics, or technology. You can niche down even further and cover stories related to specific topics, such as the latest buzz around a particular video game console. You can talk about the current state of your state’s government rather than on a national level.
When you niche down and target a specific audience, you can use social media platforms to reach those people much easier than if you let your site sit there, waiting for people to find it.

7 – Lifestyle
For those who are living a particular lifestyle, there is a market for that. If you are vegan and you want to teach others how to be vegan and not feel like they can only eat flavourless cardboard food, you can do that. If you’re undergoing bariatric surgery and you want to share your story, your experience, and offer advice to those who are thinking about the process for themselves, there’s a market for that.
Whatever you’re going through right now, someone is going to go through it in the future. Anything you’ve experienced in the past and learned from, someone is going to have similar experiences and your advice may help them through whatever challenges they may face. If you think that no one is going to read about overcoming your hoarding problem… You’re wrong – there will be someone out there who may find some kind of encouragement in your words. You just have to put them out there.
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6 – Complete Guides
If you are highly knowledgeable about something, create a complete guide about it. Some people will label their guides as being ultimate, essential, or tout it as being the last guide you’d ever need, but they are all the same thing. Whatever the topic, there are going to be people out there that want to learn every. Single. Thing. About it. They will want to know the history of the topic, fun facts, the future of the topic, and everything in between.
This is great for those who have a passion, but those who know a lot about said passion. If you have a degree in a topic and you want to share your knowledge and gain more knowledge through research, this type of website should be right up your alley.

5 – Charities and Activism
In a world that is riddled with negativity and criticism, some people need somewhere they can go to feel good about humanity. When you write about the goings on of charities and people helping others, you’re providing others with that glimmer of hope.
If you aren’t sure what to write about, find stories on crowdfunding sites that are especially touching. By highlighting these people, you’re helping to get the word out that they need help and more people will be willing to help in the process. Depending on your brand, you could focus on families needing to care for ill loved ones, people who lost everything needing help, or an innovative product or service that can change the world in a positive way.

4 – Product Reviews
People will always buy stuff. When new stuff comes out, people are going to want to learn more about the product from people who have actually used it – they don’t want to just go by whatever the advertisement tells them. People are more likely to purchase something that has an extensive review from a person who has first-hand knowledge of that product. They want to see detailed pictures of the product, pictures of the product being used, and the pros and cons of the said product. Bonus points if you include a video of the product being used, which you can also monetize on YouTube for more income.
When you create a niche site that focuses on product reviews, you can niche down even further. For example, if you are a tech buff, you can review new technologies. If you’re a single mother, you can review anything related to your children. Heck, if you’re a blogger, you can review hosting services, software, and other products related to blogging.

3 – Trouble Shooting
People are always going to have some kind of problem with something. While there is always the option to call a product’s customer service hotline, most people aren’t keen on the idea of calling because it’s just so darn hard getting through to an actual person. So, what do they do? Go online to try and figure out the solution.
So, how do you go about creating this troubleshooting blog or website? By having knowledge about how to fix things. Naturally, you’re going to want to niche down even further and choose what kind of problems you will be providing solutions for. If you’re computer savvy, you can create troubleshooting guides for computer and software related problems. If you’re a mechanic, you can write troubleshooting guides for a specific make. The possibilities are endless when you know about a specific topic.
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2 – Advice
Again, people are always going to need advice about something. Whether it is if they will find a quality match on a free dating website or how to deal with the loss of a parent. Heck, some people will even seek out advice on whether or not they should quit their job and become their own boss. People are always going to have questions and they are always going to doubt themselves. You can be the source of logic when they think they are overreacting and you can even provide them with another approach to a problem that they hadn’t even considered before.
When you offer advice to people, be it advice about relationships, self-improvement, grief, or how to be a new parent (just to name a few topics), you can pull from your own life experiences. Not only will you be speaking from personal experience, but you can make yourself more relatable to your audience. Most often that is exactly what people are looking for when they seek advice – they want someone who knows and understands what they are going through. They don’t want some textbook answer that lays everything out there in black and white. They want advice from a person.

1 – Travel
Travel blogging has always been a lucrative segment because people are always going somewhere, or they are planning on going somewhere. The world is extremely large and people aren’t content with staying in their own little corner of it. They want to spread their wings and explore!
If you like to travel yourself, be it for work or for leisure, you can write about your experiences. You can write about the culture of the new places you’ve been to. You can talk about the cuisine, the sights, the people, the accommodations, the flight – you can write about everything. But not only that, you can write about what you’re packing, packing tips and tricks, travelling tips, things you should know when going to another country… You get the idea, right?
It doesn’t matter if you’re a student who is blogging or creating a website in their free time, or if you’re hoping to make it your new career. When you make the choice to become a blogger or a website creator, you have to realize that it is going to take a lot of work to make it successful. But, before you can hope to get that success, you have to choose a niche to specialize in. Only then can you embark on this exciting path to success!