There is a dark side to artist Shi Jinsong. For all his talents he turns soft, safe things like children’s play toys, buggies and beds into the darkest of art forms featuring hard metal and dangerous spikes. But strangely there is also something beautiful about them…

10 – Babies Toys –
These works of art are not so much about the artist, but a Chinese lore god called Na Zha.

9 – Pushchair –
They may be dark, but there has to be at least a few dads reading this who would love to own one of these for their little one.

8 – Romper Suit –
Na Zha is the militaristic child god of pranks renown for his penchant for violence and cunning mind!

7 – Rocking Crib –
These are not items that will be appearing in Mothercare shops anytime soon.
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6 – Pushchair –
If you have trouble pushing your buggy through a busy crowd get one of these and watch them run away clearing a path!

5 – Rocking Crib –
Shi Jinsong made these items because (and I quote the man himself): “They feature everything a little tot needs for a future in negotiating a global economy.”

4 – Rocking Horse –
While these works of art are a little darker than I normally would like to post but I hope you also enjoy the strange beauty of them.

3 – Tricycle –
If your child rides this around the playground things will clear out in just moments.
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2 – Baby Walker –
I think many of these works of art look more like torture devices!

1 – Pushchair –
We end this top 10 with a buggy that is sure to keep your child inside it even if they are a child god of pranks.