If like me you are not a lover of spiders I am hoping I can change both our minds. While I wouldn’t say I suffer from arachnophobia I am not their biggest fan either. But maybe they are misunderstood and should be admired and respected. The truth is some spiders can be strangely beautiful…

10 – Zebra spider
He looks like a cute little zebra and little is exactly what he is because fully grown this common jumping spider is only 5–6 mm!

9 – Spiny Orb Weaver Spider
Otherwise known as the Crab Spider this little spider (¼ inch long.) They are not aggressive spiders but can be sharp to the touch because of their hard exoskeleton.

8 – The Happy Jumping Spider
He’s always got a smile for you, always happy to eat all the house fly and is so small you would never know he was there! Sounds like the perfect spider to me.

7 – Orange Tortoise Spider
He’s tiny, looks like a scary tortoise and is the colour of Captain Fizzy’s Fuzzy Orange Soda! What more do you want from a cute spider?
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6 – Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider
I didn’t want to include such a big spider (6-8 inches) but it’s Sapphire blue is just far too beautiful not to. This will be the only big one in this list I promise.

5 – Wooly Jumping Spider
This is not a spider in sheep’s clothing it really is a woolly jumping spider called “Little Miracle.” She is a tiny 3mm and cute as a spider ever could be!

4 – Happy Face Spider
If you can find a spider that looks more friendly than this then you are living on another planet. In reality, he is not going to cheer that many people up because he’s only 2-5mm long! Still, at least he will always have something to smile about.

3 – Thailand Jeweled Jumping Spider
Jumping spiders seem to come in all shapes and colours, but this gold and purple one has to be one of the most beautiful spiders I have ever seen.
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2 – Australian Stained-Glass Mirror Spider
While its name doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue it is one of the most amazing and oddly beautiful spiders you will ever see. Those bits of broken glass on the rear abdomen really are his skin scales!

1 – Peacock Spider
With his colourful plume, it’s not hard to see why he is called a peacock spiders. And if you think he looks cute the scientist that discovered it first dubbed the spider “Sparklemuffin!”