It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, you really should be trying to get fit and active. These ten pieces of exercise equipment will help, but they are not exactly sane. In fact, I would say that these are some of the craziest pieces of exercise equipment you will ever see…

The Tug Toner
It might look rude, but this really was a good workout apparently. While it was more as a joke than anything serious it is probably the craziest arm strengthening machine you will ever see! You could even put it between your legs and tug for a good full-body workout!

The Giddyup
The core exercise machine was supposed to simulate riding a horse which might sound like a good idea, but it was considered to be a little too hard to use and was known to have thrown people off, especially if you wore lycra while using it!

AB Swing II
While you might have thought that this was a pretty good idea, it was made so weak that many people actually injured themselves just getting onto it, let alone all those who claused to collapse while using it. While this was mostly down to people not paying attention to the machines weight limit it is still a pretty daft piece of exercise equipment.

The AB Rocket
This abdominal trainer seems like it might be alright until you consider how many people ended up flat on their backs and couldn’t get up again. At the end of the day, you had to be able to do at least one sit-up anyway, so all those who couldn’t ended up on their backs.
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This was supposed to help purvey men exercise, but of course, it just ended up being a bit of a sexist joke, especially when it was brought by gyms with female members. Maybe it was a joke, or maybe it was to show men why some females have backache!

The Upper Body Aerobic Exerciser
You probably don’t need me to tell you what happened here, but I will anyway. The idea was to rotate it around and around with your arms and when people tried to go too fast it would often result in facial injuries. A good idea maybe, but one that was seen as yet another pointless piece of exercise equipment.

The Ab Circle Pro
It was endorsed by big-name celebrities at the time and was suppose to help tone your abs. But of course, it didn’t and was more known for putting peoples backs out as it moved from side to side. I can only imagine the damage it did to some people.

The Bean Dulux
You might think this one is a good idea, but when you realise that it was inflatable you can only guess at the carnage it caused when it popped. And yes, they did pop as once again people didn’t pay much attention to the weight limit.
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The Ab Slider
I can only imagine the problems this caused people who would roll forward on it and then couldn’t get back up again, or just rolled it knelt down and thus not doing anything to help exercise their bodies. There are far too many injuries to tell with this one, but it does have to be said that some people still love it!

Skier’s Edge T5
At just over $1,500 this was not a cheap bit of exercise equipment, but it was one that caused a lot of injuries in people including dislocating their backs, hips and many other parts of the body, mostly down to the moving arch being too long. But it does look like fun to use!