Soon it will be a New Year and that means a New You right? Well, how about a new job! These ten tips will help you earn money online in the New Year and might well be the start of something great. I warn you now, NONE of these are ‘get rich quick’ schemes. They all require hard work and dedication, but they are tried and tested methods of earning money online. Not all of them are big money, but they are all things anyone can do…

Make Money From YouTube
This is by far the easiest method and also the one that will require the most effort and time. These days with new monetization limits it is not easy to start earning, but just about anyone can do it. You don’t need expensive equipment, you don’t need a winning personality and a perfect smile. You just need a little imagination and some time to commit to making the videos in the first place.

Make Money From eBay
You might think that the only way you are going to start making money on eBay is to sell your own things, but that is not true at all. There are plenty of things you can sell on eBay that don’t require you to own anything. Its called “drop shipping’ and it is the art of selling things that someone else will deal with. So you sell items that are on another website (plus a small fee for you to keep on the top) and then once you sell an item on eBay you then buy the item from the other site and get it sent to the person who brought it.

Make Money From Amazon
You can do the same thing with Amazon as you can with eBay via making money with drop-shipping, but there is one major difference. With eBay, you get the funds right away to buy the items you are selling. But with Amazon, you have to wait till the end of the month to get your sales earnings, which means you will need a small buffer to start making money this way. But lots of people do earn money this way.

Make Money With TikTok
If you haven’t heard of the social media app ‘TikTok’ you must have been living under a rock. This mostly younger audience, this social media app has taken the world by storm and is now a good method of earning money. If you can make people laugh, smile, or you can dance or lip-sync, this app is the one for you. All you need to do is to get to 1000 followers and then you can go live and this means your fans can send you digital gifts that you can then trade in for real money!
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Make Money With Micro Stocks
There are now lots of different apps that allow you to invest pocket change for small-part shares in a company. This might sound like a daunting investment, but it really is pretty simple. There are even apps now that you can follow other people making money and invest in the same things they do, only smaller amounts. While you can, of course, lose money as well as earn it, it could still be something you enjoy doing.

Make Money With Questionnaires
There are several sites and apps that let you earn little amounts for small amounts of your time. Some will even pay up to £20 for a single survey! But I warn you now, you will only earn small amounts with this method and often the bigger earning surveys take hours rather than minutes. But it is something everyone can do and in their spare time. It won’t change your life, but it might buy something nice if you save up enough.

Make Money With Online Casinos
Once again you should be aware that you can indeed lose money as well as make it. Spending just small amounts on big jackpot slot games is the way to go. Just make sure you stick to a set budget and understand that it is just supposed to be a fun little gamble, not a career choice nor a way out of debt.

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
Most people think you need to be some sort of digital marketing master to make money with this method and that is not true at all. If you have a Facebook feed with lots of friends you can make money with Amazon Associates which is one of the simplest forms of affiliate marketing and all you have to do is post links to items on Amazon. Maybe things you wish you owned, or items you have tried / or own yourself. It’s not hard to do and some people make insane sums of money using this very method with little more than a social media following.
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Make Money With Freelance Work
You might think sites like Upwork are for digital marketers of other people who know (or can do) specialist things. But if you have a passion for a certain thing like Football, eating or crafts you can easily make money with some freelance writing. All you will need to do is to write an article with the requests the buyer wants. So something that is about “Using Instagram” that is 500+ words (that might sound like a lot, but it really isn’t) and including the link they give you. If you really do love the topic of the article your words will flow onto the page and earn you some good money. Once again, this is harder than it sounds, but it is something most people can get into.

Make Money Blogging
And we end this with what I think is the easiest of all the methods listed about. Blogging is not about writing a masterpiece every time your fingers touch the keyboard, it is about writing about the things you love or parts of your life that are worthy of reading. You don’t need to put down any money and it is something most people can do. But here is the bad part. When people say ‘Bloggin’ Ain’t Easy’ they mean it. You need to be consistent and it can often take a lllooooonnnnggg time before you start earing anything from your blog. But stick with it and the rewards could well be life-changing. It has taken me 10 years to earn a living from this blog and while it has been a long road, it was well worth it for the independence.