10 Most Popular Running Myths

10 Most Popular Running Myths
10 Most Popular Running Myths

People take up sports as a hobby for various reasons: either they want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, they want to feel the adrenaline rush that comes with exercising, or they want to have a constant hobby to keep them occupied.

Either way, as it turns out, running is the most popular amateur sport in the world. Statistics show that in 2016, 64 million people ran or jogged in their spare time, and those numbers are relevant to the US alone.

Since runners rarely have any knowledge of their anatomy or basic physiology, a lot of myths are born, even though all the relevant info is available online. If you are interested in running but all the stories you’ve heard about this sport scared you away, it is time to face those running myths head on and find out what running is all about.

What is Being Said

A lot of rumours surround running, and we are about to tackle 10 common myths once and for all…


10 Most Popular Running Myths


Running Myths
Running Myths

1 – Only people with a certain body type can run

That is a common phrase you will hear people utter when they want to excuse themselves from running. In reality, your body type doesn’t matter. In fact, different types of running require different bodily capabilities. Sprinters are more muscular, while distance runners have a leaner build. As long as you follow a strict running program that suits you specifically, you will be just fine.

Running Myths
Running Myths

2 – Running will hurt your knees

Many people believe that runners are more prone to suffer from knee injuries, but recent studies contradict this notion. Apparently, knee pain is associated with muscle weakness, but it is not directly connected to the act of running itself.

Running Myths
Running Myths

3 – Cheap running shoes can hurt you in the long run

False! It is our custom to believe that if we pay more, we get a better product. Many runners think that if they invest a lot of money in buying the newest, most advanced running shoes, they will be able to prevent future injuries. Apparently, this notion is wrong. Studies show that pricier shoes don’t necessarily make your running experience better. What really matters is that you choose comfortable shoes, no matter how much they cost.

Running Myths
Running Myths

4 – Old running shoes can hurt your feet

A general recommendation suggests you buy a new pair of running shoes after you pass the 500-700 km mark since the shoes’ material wears out by this point, leading to injuries. However, statistics show that people tend to injure themselves when running with new shoes more often than those who wear older shoes, so take this info into consideration before you buy a new pair.

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Running Myths
Running Myths

5 – You must stretch before you run

Running is often being associated with flexibility, which leads people to believe that they must stretch before a running session. However, passive stretches only serve to loosen the muscle and weaken it for a while, even though you need all the strength you can get when you run. To prevent it from happening, you should do some dynamic stretches and leave the passive ones till after your run.

Running Myths
Running Myths

6 – Runners don’t need to work on their strength

Another false notion that can cause more harm than good. If your muscles are not strong enough, it can lead to mechanical imbalances, which can cause you pain is various locations. For example, weakness of your thigh muscles can cause a misalignment of your patella, thus leading to knee pain.

Running Myths
Running Myths

7 – A day off will hurt your running streak

People often believe that if they miss a running session, they will suffer the next time they put running shoes on. That is not true! You can take a few days off without damaging your cardiac abilities.

Running Myths
Running Myths

8 – Runners can eat everything, at any time

The word running often juxtaposes burning calories, which is why people think that they can eat anything if they run on a regular basis. Wrong! You have to stick to a specific diet if you want to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs when you run, so there is no getting away with eating lots of junk food in this scenario.

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Running Myths
Running Myths

9 – You’re a runner only if you run a certain distance

There are a lot of snobs out there who won’t see you as a runner unless you participate in races or run a certain amount of miles every day. Don’t listen to those people! If you run, you’re a runner, no matter what distance you cover in your sessions.

Running Myths
Running Myths

10 – Running is boring

Running can be a bit monotone, but it doesn’t have to be boring if you don’t want it to be! You can keep things interesting by switching your location or the terrain to challenge yourself in different ways every time you run.

More than Just a Sport

All in all, if you stop thinking about what can go wrong while you run, this activity can be quite enjoyable. It is not only a way of keeping your body in shape, but it can also provide you with a great deal of fun.

However, if you fear you will get tired of this activity if you do it too often, you should find another source of entertainment to keep you jolly in between running session.

For example, you can visit various casino online gambling venues and challenge yourself in an entirely different way. Take the time to explore the various slot Vegas casino games available to you, and your daily routine won’t ever get boring!

Author: Gus Barge

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