Ten Light Painted Skeletons That Turn Long Exposure Photos Into Art

All of the amazing neon skeletons you are about to see are all painted with an LED light and a camera with super long exposure. No photoshop, no after effects just a real photo taken over several minutes. There are lots of different artists who make these types of images but I have done my very best to credit them to the correct artist…



Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeleton Surfer

10 – Darren Pearson

What you will see in the coming images and indeed this one is that they are made up of various aspects. You have the amazing photo anyway, the light painted skeleton, then the light shading effect from the LED work itself. All together they are simply stunning and perfect for this Halloween art post.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeleton Grinding on a Skateboard

9 – Darren Pearson

I think out of the two artists these images come from it is Darren Pearson’s images that are more fun like in this one of a skateboarding skeleton (Check out the light left behind the grinding) but it is Janne Parviainen’s images that are a little more creative.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeletons

8 – Janne Parviainen

It is not often you get to see the artist herself in almost all of her images, but this time you do, and I think adding the human element into the mix makes the images a little scarier.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeletons

7 – Janne Parviainen

I would imagine making these long exposure anatomy subjects is not even half as easy as we might think. I would imagine it involves a lot of very quick movement, and in this photos example a lot of distance between each one as well.

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Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeletons in 3 Different Colours

6 – Darren Pearson

To get a different coloured skeleton you just need to use a different coloured light! The politesses are as endless as the colour choice. But I do have to wonder if there is a maximum time these images can be taken over.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeleton Dresses as the Grim Reaper

5 – Darren Pearson

Thanks to Halloween mostly being about the kids these days a skeleton is not considered that scary. So what the artist did was give one of them a Grim Reaper hooded cloak and sickle. Well, it was enough to scare me anyway.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeleton on a Motorbike

4 – Darren Pearson

If you take a look just under the motorbike you will see slight shadows where the artist has stood still a little too long. I love the added dirt spray from the back of the bike. Ghost rider would be very proud.

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeletons in a band

3 – Janne Parviainen

Featuring an entire band all playing instruments the ghost effect on the instruments themselves are made by holding the item up towards the camera for just a few seconds. But apparently, it had to be held very, very still indeed. Between doing that and running around painting with the LED light it is not easy to make these images at all.

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Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeletons on the Waters Edge

2 – Darren Pearson

This is one of the most beautiful, but yet very spooky scenes I have ever seen. The reflection is amazing and I have to wonder if the artist (or art-photographer if you prefer the term) has to keep the light that fraction of a second longer in the same place to get the reflection in water?!?

Top 10 Best Light Painted Skeletons
LED Painted Skeleton

1 – Janne Parviainen

You are not going to get a much more eerie looking scene lurking in a snowy forest. Featuring some of the most demonic snowmen I have ever seen praying to what looks like a flaming skeleton it is not just magazining art, it is worthy of a Horror film!

Author: Gus Barge

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