Ten Animals in Pumpkins Who Love Celebrating Halloween

About this time last year I was looking at “Animal Themed Pumpkins” but when I do a Wednesday animal post I think most people expect some real animals rather than ones make of pumpkins. So what about some cute and scary animals that are actually inside the pumpkins! Can I really find 10 different animals that are inside them? Well, let’s find out…



Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Hedgehog Inside a Pumpkin

10 – Hedgehog

This is not just any hedgehog inside a pumpkin, this is an albino hedgehog inside a pumpkin! I think it just makes the image even cuter when the white hedgehog goes against the bright orange pumpkin colour.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Squirrel Inside a Pumpkin

9 – Squirrel

As we discovered in my post “Ways to Reuse and Recycle Pumpkins” pumpkins can make great bird and animal feeders after Halloween has passed, so all you have to do is stick one out and give it time. Then, sure enough, you will end up with something inside it, be it a bird, mouse or squirrel.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Cat Inside a Pumpkin

8 – Cat

You know you have made a truly scary pumpkin when it has kittens falling out of its eyes! I suppose that given enough space inside the pumpkin cats are probably quite happy to climb inside them as they are with most things.

Dwarf mongoose Inside a Pumpkin
Dwarf mongoose Inside a Pumpkin

7 – Dwarf mongoose

If you are looking for images of unusual animals in pumpkins then this one of a Dwarf mongoose has to be right up there! Playing hide and seek like a pro it looks a rather playful creature, but until this post, I have never heard of it! It goes to show that even I get to learn while making these lists.

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Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Rabbit Inside a Pumpkin

6 – Rabbit

His name is Frank and it seems that he loves nothing more than hanging around inside pumpkins! I would imagine to a rabbit a pumpkin is a rather tasty treat. Or maybe they really do prefer carrots like the cartoons suggest.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Rat Inside a Pumpkin

5 – Rat

I have called this a rat, but if that is a really small pumpkin it could well be a mouse! But I will stick with calling it a rat. It would be a cool surprise to scare the kids with. When they come to the door present them with your pet rat inside the pumpkin! Trick and a treat.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Meerkat Inside a Pumpkin

4 – Meerkat

There is no comparing going on here, just some pumpkin fun. It seems Meerkats are happy to play with just about anything they are given. So imagine the fun they had when they were given several pumpkins to play with.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Otter Inside a Pumpkin

3 – Otter

It seems that Sea Otters like a bit of pumpkin with their exclusively fish based diet. I am not so sure that the zookeeper had to put a tiger style face on the pumpkin, but I am sure the otter appreciates it.

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Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Dog Inside a Pumpkin

2 – Dog

What is cuter than a dog inside a pumpkin? Well, it turns out the answer is a dog inside a pumpkin with a pumpkin hat on its head! Also worthy of a bit of a laugh is the fact that the dog’s feet are sticking out the front of the pumpkins mouth! Poor pooch, I hope he gets rewarded for this embarrassing photo work.

Top 10 Animals in Pumpkins
Pigs in Pumpkins

1 – Pigs

When I started this post I never thought I would get to see 3 pigs inside a single pumpkin! But that is what we have here. Know I know those are in fact micro pigs, but still. Getting 3 of them inside of a single pumpkin certainly gets my vote, and it definitely ramps up the cute factor.

Author: Gus Barge

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