It is Wednesday, time for an animal post, and it is Halloween week. Let us be honest here, the possibilities are endless! But in the end, I decided to go for animal themed pumpkins. Why you may ask!? Because I suck at carving pumpkins, I can’t do it, they never look as good as everyone else’s, so what I need is some top 10 pumpkin ideas that are easy to make, with little or no carving at all. OK, some of these need a lot, but here it is anyway…
BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Pumpkins
10 – OWL
FACT: The world’s fastest time to carve a face into a pumpkin is 20.1 seconds, by David Finkle (UK), that is one safe record because it takes me hours!
9 – Blackbird
FACT: The carving of jack-o-lanterns originated from the tradition of carving the faces of lost souls into hollowed out pumpkins and turnips. A candle was placed inside the carvings was to ward off evil spirits.
8 – Zebras
FACT: Illinois grows more pumpkins than any other place in the World! Each and every year it harvests nearly 12,300 acres of the Halloween fruit.
7 – Turkeys
FACT: Pumpkins and their seeds, were a celebrated food of the Native American Indians who treasured them both for their dietary and medicinal properties.
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6 – Nautilus
FACT: The world’s heaviest pumpkin was grown by Chris Stevens (USA) and weighed 1,810.5 lbs.
5 – Giant Scorpion
FACT: Using pumpkins as lanterns at Halloween is based on an ancient Celtic custom brought to America by European immigrants, but Europe had it over 200 years before that!
4 – Sea Turtle
FACT: Have you ever seen a yellow-orange flower that bloom from a pumpkin vine?!? Well, those are 100% edible.
3 – Hedgehog
FACT: Being almost as high as a cucumber, 90% of the pumpkin is made up entirely of water, and maybe %1 candle.
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2 – Penguin
FACT: The name “pumpkin” comes from the Greek word “pepon,” meaning a large melon! I love this fact very much.
1 – Pigs
FACT: Pumpkins are a fruit that originated in Central America, but it was only ever used as a fruit until the Europeans taught them about the tradition of caving!