So you want to become a blogger eh? Well, the good news is starting up a blog these days couldn’t be easier. But as time moves on you start to realise that there is in fact, no such job as being a blogger. Being a blogger is a collection of complex jobs that you will most probably learn along the way to becoming a true blogger. It’s a fact that over time you will find yourself doing these ten jobs on a daily basis…

10 – Writer
This job goes without saying. You will need to know how to write even if you only show pictures on each post. You will still need to enter titles and meta descriptions!

9 – Photographer
From choosing the right image and having that eye for a good one, to actually taking them yourself. This is a skill that will come as a natural part of blogging.

8 – Statistician
Learning about site metrics and social media analysis is something you will learn to love and hate, sometimes both at the same time!

7 – Affiliate Marketer
While you won’t mess around with affiliate offers and items at first, you will soon learn the rewards of doing so and your knowledge in this area will grow significantly.
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6 – Professional Proofreader
Making sure that post is as perfect and it can be is essential for any growing blog. You will soon find yourself using programs like Jetpack and Grammarly to make sure there is no spelling and grammar errors. Yet I still make loads of them!

5 – Email Marketer
While you might not have a business to market you will quickly find yourself selling your blog to anyone who will listen and by doing this via that ever-growing email subscriptions list is a great way to do it.

4 – Social Media Expert
You start off with a tweet here and a Facebook share there, but within just a few weeks you will soon find yourself looking at metrics and analysing share times and engagement numbers.

3 – Graphic Designer
From making your own banners, social media profiles and even your own buttons to suit the theme of your blog, this is a skill you will learn like it or not. Then again, there is always Fiverr to get someone else to do it.
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2 – SEO Specialist
Most SEO firms charge an arm and a leg, so as an unpaid up and coming blogger you will need to do all the SEO yourself. But you will soon learn the basics and that is all you need.

1 – Web Designer
Sure, most bloggers will use a ready-made theme, but even then you will have to change this and that to make it perfect! Plus you will never be truly happy with your web work and will constantly be putting that web designer hat on.