Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats

Some cats can be lazy, willing to do nothing except play and eat. But there is also a few cats out there that are willing to work with us humans and earn their keep. These are the world’s most useful and helpful cats and they can do all the jobs us humans just haven’t got time for…



Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat doing the ironing

10 – Iron lady

This puss loves her owner and wants him to look his best for the job interview. So the cat has cleaned and ironed his shirt the night before! What? Your cat doesn’t do that for you? Shame.

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat using a vacuum cleaner

9 – Hoover Hairs

You know you have a well-trained cat when it starts to use the hand hoover to suck up the dog’s hairs before it sits on the sofa itself! Just need to teach it to mop now.

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat washing the windows

8 –The licker

He takes hours to do a single window and can’t do any of the top ones, but if you live in a bungalow this could be the most useful kitty in the world!

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat doing some gardening

7 – The weeder

Keeping the garden up to scratch can be hard work unless you train your cat to do it all for you! He’s not much use with a spade, but can grow catnip just about anywhere!

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Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat working on a computer

6 – Office Work Cat

There is a bring your pet to work day, but this kitty can do any office work you want from home and is a real wizard with a spreadsheet and a very creative accountant.

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat doing the washing up

5 –The scrubber

Washing up is one of those things that always seems to be there, so why not get yourself washing up kitty, everyone will have one day!

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat changing a light Bulb

4 – How many cats does it take to change a lightbulb?

It seems it only takes 1 cat to do it, provided it is the right cat. All he needs is for you to move the ladder around the room and stop interfering while he works.

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat doing someone’s homework

3 – Course work kitty

Are you forever procrastinating when you should be doing homework or coursework? This scholarship kitty can do it all for you and only charges 2 tins of tuna per page!

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Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat unblocking the toilet

2 – Plumber

Are you always complaining about having to do all those bad jobs that need doing? Well, why not hire this cat to do them all for you. But be warned he charges by the hour in luxury kitty food.

Top 10 Lending a Paw Helpful Cats
Cat putting the washing out

1 – Hung out to dry

While the washing machine can do the washing part you still have to hang it out to dry (if it’s a nice day) so why not get this cat to hang it out on the line for you!

Author: Gus Barge

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