Most people really love their pets and often give them an extra treat or two on their birthdays. So this post is going to be for all the Cat owners out there that want to celebrate with their feline friends on their birthday or Caturday. But don’t be confused, this is all human foods that we can eat, and maybe some titbits for the cat…

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Nothing too complicated to start off this list, just some simple black cat Oreo cookies. With green M&M eyes, a pumpkin nose, and some chocolate chip ears they are fun to make and above all very simple. And as an added bonus is would be perfect for a Halloween party as well.

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I would normally say that these baked pumpkin cat doughnuts are just too complicated for most of us to make ourselves, but thanks to the well-written step by step making guide it makes it look and sound fairly simple to make them, so might have to have a go.

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I’m sure most kids have played around with the old comedy rice Krispies, chocolate, and marshmallow mix. So why not use that method to make some of these rather tasty looking cat head treats! Once again these are more themed towards a Halloween party that a Caturday one. But the end effect is still the same, you get a tasty looking, and simple to make cat themed treat.

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Made using some Pineapple, a cherry, olives, and some wooden toothpicks, this cat party food is perfect for those who would like to try and eat as healthy as possible. Best of all is that they are fairly simple to make as well. No making guide in the link, but it does contain a load of other fruit platter fun.
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6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
If I’m perfectly honest with everyone I am not really sure what a cheese ball is! But it seems to be made from several different kinds of cheese and a few bits and pieces to season it, then just roll it into a ball! It’s just not my cup of tea but if you like a nice tasty cheese ball I hope this is a great idea for you.

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
The simple round design of a cake pop is perfect for this style of a cat head (by just adding some ears) but you are still going to need some rather high cake making skills. But if you have the time and patience to make something like this then there is a really good step by step making guide in the link.

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Every party needs to have a pizza and so I present to you this cat themed cheese and tomato pizza. Sadly you are going to have to hand make the base no matter what happens, but it shouldn’t be too hard to mould into the shape of a cat’s face, then simply add the vegetables and toppings of your choice to make the cat’s facial features.

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Sadly I couldn’t find a making guide to these great looking cat themed sandwiches, but do we really need it? Probably not, just cut circles out of normal sandwiches and then a dip in the head. Get it and never did for the ears and it should at least end up looking something like these ones.
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2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Probably best to save the recipe for the summer because ice-cream is not necessarily a winter treat. But if you a partial to an ice cream sandwich anyway this would be perfect for any cat party celebration. Made with soft sugar cookies, chocolate candy melts and some black liquorice laces for whiskers they are a cool treat in all aspects.

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Trying to pick the best cat-themed cupcake was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It was just so much choice, variety, and style to choose from that it was almost impossible. But I think my final choice is a rather good one simple cupcake design, covered in chocolate sprinkles and black liquorice laces have whiskers I think they are fine looking and sound rather tasty.