Halloween might now be a distant memory for most of us. The kids are still shaking from their sugar comas, the pumpkin is starting to rot on the porch and the Halloween costume is already hung up for another year. So it is that time of the year when you have to put those embarrassing consume pictures online, and cats everywhere are doing exactly the same thing…

10 – Not Jack
During Halloween, he went out think his costume would win awards and several tonnes of treats. But when one person asked him if he was jack and the beanstalk he got angry, and by the time the third person had asked the very same thing he just got in a strop and went home.

9 – Pumpkin Over-looker
I get the pumpkin hat, and I get to the cat is on its cat stand! But why oh why does the pumpkin hat seem to have small plastic glasses attached? OK, so they suit the cat perfectly but that still doesn’t necessarily explain why they’re there.

8 – Sad Pumpkin
I feel so sorry for this poor old cat, he wanted to go out dressed as a golden Sphynx, but would his owner let him? No, he had to pick the silliest costume on the shelf and make his normally majestic cat look like a fool.

7 – Bit Puss
Everyone knows that Brian here wanted to go out dressed as hulk, but did his owner listen? No. So he had to go out dressed as a pumpkin yet again. At least he hasn’t lost much weight and his costume still fitted him like a glove.
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6 – “What you lot laughing at?!”
Might it is a little hard for you to spot which one is the cat in the pumpkin costume in this photo. But my hint to you is that he is the one that isn’t smiling. To be honest he doesn’t look very happy that all the rest of them are all happy and giggles anyway.

5 – Overgrown
This poor kitty had a terrible night trick or treating because everyone thought he was the biggest pumpkin head they had ever seen in their lives! Sure he tried explaining that it was just a very puffy costume and he was big furred, but it was to no avail.

4 – Jack
This poor cat looks like it went out to impress its friends dressed as a pumpkin, but only ended up getting laughed at! Well, don’t worry kitty because I didn’t laugh…much.

3 – Swimming Pumpkin
To be honest, if that’s more like a swimming cap than a Halloween costume. So you can kind of excuse this cat for having a rather grumpy face. Is simply not gonna win any trick or treats dressed like this, let alone any fancy dress costume awards.
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2 – Pumpkinhead
I get the feeling that this cat is just seen what it looks like in its costume. To be honest, if this cat came to my door looking for candy I would have the same staring eyes as he has. I also like the little bow effect going on as well, because it goes so well against his black fur.

1 – Orange as you like
Who needs a pumpkin costume when you’re already orange! Well, that is the opinion of this pussycat and he looks quite proud of it as well. Proud to be ginger and even more proud to be a pumpkin. At least it saves a fortune on costumes!