Ten of the Worlds Rarest Species of Dogs and Where to Find Them

We have already seen just some of the worlds rarest cats, but now it is the time for our faithful friend’s dogs. If you think your pure-breed pug was expensive and rare these will blow you away and while many of them are not for sale anywhere in the world they are still classed as part of the canine family…


The Catahoula Leopard Dog
The Catahoula Leopard Dog

The Catahoula Leopard Dog

While some experts will argue that this is not a separate breed, there are those who do say it is making it very uncommon and of course, it is not often you get to see a dog with almost leopard-like markings.

The Bedlington Terrier
The Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier

This affectionate, Spirited, Good-tempered and highly intelligent dog is often used in sports such as racing and hunting, but these days it is mostly raised as a companion dog. Its thin face is what makes it stand out from the rest.

The Lagotto Romagnolo
The Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo

This is an ancient breed of dog that gets its name from the Romagna region of Italy. Its name also means water and water is what these dogs love and despite having thick locked fur it is still a very strong swimmer.

The Otterhound
The Otterhound

The Otterhound

This boisterous dog is one of the oldest breeds of British dogs and it is thought there are less than a thousand of them in the whole world. Sadly their rough play temper makes them not great for people with children.

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The Xoloitzcuintli
The Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli

Often called a “Xolo” this hairless breed is considered to be one of the rarest in the world and is also one of the worlds oldest with a very distinctive look that makes it look much like a Sphynx cat

The Azawakh
The Azawakh

The Azawakh

With is thin, faster-moving frame this was a dog often used for speed hunting over short distances. While it was once common in West Africa its numbers have dropped significantly due to more people wanting friendly dogs for the home rather than working ones.

The Mudi
The Mudi

The Mudi

If you want the best sheepdog breed then a Mudi is what you want. They are specifically bred for their herding superiority mostly thanks to the breeds high intellect. They are also used for trick shows as they can follow hundreds of commands making for good entertainment.

The Griffon Nivernais
The Griffon Nivernais

The Griffon Nivernais

This once extinct breed was brought back by dog breeders and is often used as a hunting dog, often in the Nivernais region of France. Sadly they are known for their dominant personalities making them not the best pets for the home.

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The Stabyhoun
The Stabyhoun

The Stabyhoun

With just 6,000 known to be alive, this really is a very rare breed. But its fun-loving temperament does make it suitable for domestication. Sadly the cost of this dog is what puts most people off getting one with most people paying 5 figure sums for a pure breed.

The African Wild Dog
The African Wild Dog

The African Wild Dog

This is not a breed that you will find in any pet shop as they are the worlds rarest wild breed of canine and there are only 1000 mating pairs. Its highly distinctive fur markings make it look much like a hyena, but those Mickey Mouse ears are just the best!

Author: Gus Barge

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