If over the months of doing this blog I had to name everything we have seen a cat wearing it would be a very, very long list indeed. And things are much the same for this post. But at least this time our feline friends are wearing something a little more their size…
BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Facts About Hats and Caps

10 – “I have coughed up bigger things than this hat!”
FACT: The smallest hat worn by men is called a “Small Tricorn Hat” with dimensions of just two inches by four inches and it is traditionally worn on the top of the wig!

9 – “The type of summer hats we wear says a lot about what sort of cat we are.”
FACT: In America, it is in fact against the law to wear a hat that obstructs a view of another person in a theatre or some other place of amusement! It is a crime against hats.

8 – “I had it all….then I scratched it all to bits.”
FACT: You might not have heard of him, but it was French Magician Louis Comte who was first to pull out a rabbit from a top hat way back in 1814!

7 – “You may call me madam or maybe mistress.”
FACT: right up until the middle of 19th century baseball umpires had to wear top hats during the play of the game!
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6 – “I fancy my kitty nibbles, down by the river side, now run along and get the finest milk!”
FACT: The humble bowler hat that is now a symbol of the City of London began its life as nothing more than a riding helmet!

5 – “Another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”
FACT: In the US there was once a very strange craze called “Felt Hat Day” on September 15. Anyone who wore a summer straw hat after that date risked being physically attacked!

4 – “Clean your ears out! I said a hat that is a little more me, not little on me!!!”
FACT: Unlike what most people think the beret started out as nothing to do with the army at all, in fact it was traditional Pyrenean shepherd’s hat. But way back in 1918, the British Tank Corps trained with the French mountain regiment who had adopted the berets.

3 – “Don’t mention the Fez, I am rather sensitive about it.”
FACT: A traditional chef’s hat (the tall kind called toque blanche) should have exactly 100 pleats in it to represent the number of ways an egg could be cooked!
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2 – “If its good enough for Princess Beatrice, it is good enough for me as well!”
FACT: Students of the medieval theologian John Duns Scotus were the first to wear dunce’s caps and it was thought that the caps would funnel God’s wisdom into their head! But of course people soon worked out how silly this was and the caps soon become associated with nothing but foolishness.

1 – “I don’t normally jump onto turtles backs, but when I do…”
FACT: The earliest record of hat-wearing comes from 15,000 years old rock drawings located in a cave at Lussac-les-Châteaux in central France! It is that they were made from grass, mud and twigs.