Inappropriate, funny, creative and dirty are just a few names for the following ten shop names. But what they all have in common is the ability to make me laugh as I wonder what they were thinking when they named it. All I do know is that some people had some fun while coming up with these names as most of them appear to be intentional…

10 – Dirty Dick’s Crab House
You got your crabs from where?! There is a fine line between food and toilet humour and personally, when I am eating I would prefer no line at all. That being said, this crab house isn’t even in the same country as mine, so I can laugh while other people eat their crabs from Dirty Dick’s Crab House. It could be worse; they could be from your Aunty Pauline!

9 – Kids Exchange
Although most of these funny shop signs were intentional and a play on words, I reckon this one definitely wasn’t. In fact, read the sign to yourself and depending on how you read it will depend on if you have a sense of humour or not. We just feel sorry for the owner of the shop when he finally realised his mistake. Just one tiny space would have solved the issue.

8 – Master Bait and Tackle
You can tell this fishing tackle shop would be a fun place to work. A great play on words as I am sure you will agree. I’m not sure how some of these people come up with such creative shop names, but keep up the great work is what I say!

7 – The Glory Hole
Wow, it had to be a religions store didn’t it – double the LOLs. I’m sure the term “glory hole” may mean something in the terms of religion, but the kind that makes me laugh has nothing to do with any religion.
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6 – Butt Market
You know you are immature when you laugh at foreign sign names as they sound rude when you read them. Although, I did use a German translator and “Butt Markt” came out as “Butt Market” in English!

5 – Pet Shop and Grooming Salon
I think that this pet shop sign is amazing. It draws the line between having no business, either because of a protest or unhappy locals and having business booming, because of the news coverage the store gets due to its funny name.

4 – Feck Off
The Heineken sign and the style of the main sign would imply that this is a real pub. Tell you what though, if it was a real pub, I would certainly drink there.

3 – Jack The Stripper
I’m not sure if Jack was a dancing stripper or a paint stripper, either way it looks like he has gone out of business and that is probably because no-one could say his business name without laughing!
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2 – Fuk Mi Sushi and Seafood Buffet
Maybe the name of the shop is what you say when you see their vast selection of food. Or maybe its what you say when you get the bill.

1 – I Love Clocks
While this shops name is only funny at a particular angle that uses the lamppost to cover up the letter “l”, it’s still sure to make you laugh if you saw it.
Do you know of any other funny shop names? If you do please leave them in the comments below so we can all have a laugh over them.