Ten Crazy and Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats

Why should it be only us humans that get to wear Santa hats? After all, we have already seen some animals wearing them in my post “Top 10 Best Images of Animals in Santa Hats” so why not everyday objects? Well, it seems they already do, and some of them look rather funny…


Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Cactus Wearing Santa Hat

10 – Cactus

Just because they live in the desert doesn’t mean they don’t love Christmas! Poor Cactuses never get to be involved in the festive cheer so I think this is rather nice of its owner to include them.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Chairs Wearing Santa Hat

9 – Chairs

These are of course nothing more than rather fancy chair covers. But if you are having a Christmas wedding or a dinner party these would look amazing and set the festive mood rather nicely. Good to see furniture joining in on the fun.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Beer Bottle Wearing Santa Hat

8 – Beer

To be fair to beer it is an essential part of a lot of people’s festive celebrations, so it makes me wonder why there aren’t beers all over the world wearing them! You go for its beer, just don’t embarrass yourself by spilling all over the carpet like you normally do.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Christmas Tree Wearing Santa Hat

7 – Christmas Tree

I have recently been informed that a lot of people like to put a Santa hat on top of their Christmas tree. But for someone like me who always has a fairy on top of it or maybe a star, it is unusual.

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Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Tram Wearing Santa Hat

6 – Tram

Only in Amsterdam are you likely to see a tram driving down the road wearing a Santa hat. But I think it really makes even the most mundane objects seem better looking even this otherwise boring road tram.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Finger Wearing Santa Hat

5 – Finger

They do all the unwrapping and work over the festive period, but do they get any credit? No! (well maybe some lotion if they are lucky) but fingers should get more involved in the festive season.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Cutlery Wearing Santa Hat

4 – Cutlery

I have to admit I kind of like this idea! For holding the cutlery together on the Christmas dinner table they are sure to make at least someone smile and make for a cool little talking point.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Post Wearing Santa Hat

3 – Post

So what is the story behind this hat, where did it come from, who put it on the post? Who knows.

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Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Statue Wearing Santa Hat

2 – Statue

This never fails to make me smile. Seeing any statue with a Santa hat on is something that is only done to make other people smile and I for one applaud people who do it. But shame on me, I have never done it myself.

Top 10 Unusual Things Wearing Santa Hats
Car Wearing Santa Hat

1 – Car

You know your care is small when you can get a Santa hat on it. But to be fair that is a very large hat indeed. But even though I know it is a car underneath it, I think this is as cute as anything.

Author: Gus Barge

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