Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

Here is a news flash! Not everyone celebrates Christmas! There are multiple reasons why someone might not celebrate this time of the year and that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it. It just means they don’t celebrate the holiday. Here are ten things you should never say to someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas and a few grumpy festive cat pictures to go with those smiles…


Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“You Must Be Ebenezer Scrooge!”

Just because someone doesn’t buy other people gifts at this time of year doesn’t mean they don’t ever buy gifts. It just means they don’t believe in the holiday or the tradition of the season. Only one person is a real Scrooge and that is Ebenezer himself.

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“But Everyone Loves Christmas Songs!”

I love this festive time of the year, but Christmas songs are something I have a real loathing for. You get it rammed into you from Halloween onwards and try to avoid them all by the time Christmas comes around! So no, not everyone enjoys them, even someone like me who loves Christmas!

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“Are You Serious?”

Why would someone say they didn’t like Christmas if they didn’t! When someone says they don’t just take then at their word and not question their beliefs. It is not your job nor position to try and change their minds on this, just understand that they don’t.

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“So are you a Muslim?”

If you need me to tell you what is wrong with saying this then there is something wrong with you. There are many religions that don’t celebrate Christmas and even someone who doesn’t have a religion will probably not celebrate this religious holiday!

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Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“Why Not?”

This is something you should never ask because it could open up an emotional wound that could make then feel more depressed than they already do. What if a parent or someone passed away at this time of year and you open that memory for them? Just accept that they don’t and respect that decision.

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“But Everyone Celebrates Christmas!”

This is a very narrow-minded opinion. There are people in contries all over the world and from every religion (including Christianity) that don’t celebrate it. Just because you and your friends do doesn’t mean the world does. Your Facebook feed is not the opinions of the whole world!

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“You Don’t Even Have a Christmas Tree?

My old nan never had a Christmas tree because she couldn’t be bothered to put it up and take it down, but still went to midnight mass and celebrated Christmas. Just because you don’t have the whole house lit up like a Christmas tree doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it.

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“So You Don’t Want Christmas Dinner Then?”

So you are telling me just because someone doesn’t celebrate Christmas means they have to go hungry on this day!? No, it doesn’t! Not celebrating Christmas doesn’t mean I don’t want to shove copious amounts of pigs in blankets into my cakehole!

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Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“So Do You Celebrate Boxing Day?”

Why on earth would someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas suddenly like boxing day? In fact, more people hate boxing day than Christmas day as they don’t see the point of it at all. While the date is a religious date the celebrate of “boxing day” isn’t. So you could love Christmas to the point of madness, but hate boxing day all the same.

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say to Someone Who Doesn't Celebrate Christmas
Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

“But Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!”

To many, many people it is not the most “wonderful” time of the year at all, even some people who celebrate Christmas can still think it isn’t all that wonderful with the words “too commercial” being thrown around. It can also be a stressful time of the year so no, it’s not all that wonderful.

Author: Gus Barge

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