Ten Photos Showing the Height of Laziness Us Humans Can Achieve

We can all be a little lazy now and again because sometimes it is nice to be so. There is nothing quite like a lazy Sunday lay in to make you feel you are winning in life. But this post is all about the people who have gone too far, have been far too relaxed and complacent, these people need a kick up the rear because they are 10 of the laziest people on earth…


BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Best Jokes About Being Lazy


Too lazy to do the washing up
Too lazy to do the washing up

10 – “Well I didn’t cook the dinner so I won’t do the washing up!”

Q: Why where the children tired?
A: Because their parents woke then up in the night to get the remote for the television!

Too lazy to push child on swing
Too lazy to push child on swing

9 – “She gets to play on the swing, I get to finish my pint! It is a win-win situation!”

Q: What do you call a woman who works as hard as a man?
A: Lazy!

Too lazy to take the Christmas tree and decorations out of the packet
Too lazy to take the Christmas tree and decorations out of the packet

8 – Bah Humbug

Q: What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo?
A: pouch potato.

Too lazy to sit at the desk
Too lazy to sit at the desk

7 – “The best bit is, that the mouse works on the side of the cupboard!”

Q: Why did the man stick his nose out the window?
A: To let the wind blow it for him!

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Too lazy to take the doorstep out of the packet
Too lazy to take the doorstep out of the packet

6 – “The packaging is part of the door stop, why would I remove it?!?”

Q: What do you call Will.i.am’s lazy brother?
A: Will.i.stuff

Too lazy to make the packet cake
Too lazy to make the packet cake

5 – “Happy birthday to you! Well, it says on the packet to ‘make it yourself’ so do it!”

Q: What I am having a super lazy day?
A: Because it is just like a normal lazy day, but today I am wearing a cape!

Too lazy to remove the sticker on an apple
Too lazy to remove the sticker on an apple

4 – “I refuse to remove the label because there is still glue on the apple!”

Q: Why did my girlfriend call me lazy when playing video-games?
A: It might have been because I was using cheat codes while playing Wii Fit!

Too lazy to take the light bulb out of the packet
Too lazy to take the light bulb out of the packet

3 – “You don’t need to take it out of the packet because the packet is see through!!!”

Q: Why did the lazy person buy a treadmill?
A: To walk the dog!

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Too lazy to make a chair to sit on
Too lazy to make a chair to sit on

2 – “Open the box? Why on earth would I do that?!?”

Q: I am not saying I am lazy, but…
A: The other day I got excited about cancelled plans!

Too lazy to change the toilet roll
Too lazy to change the toilet roll

1 –  “I didn’t use the last sheet, so I won’t be swapping them over!”

Q: Why is it not my fault I am lazy?!?
A: Because when I was a child I suffered from a lazy eye and it spread to the rest of my body.

Author: Gus Barge

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