Ten Star Wars Cats Who Know How to Use the Force (Cats in StarWars Costumes)

Writing a blog post is a funny old game. Sometimes you can sit there for hours on end and not a single sentence will come to you. Other times the words will flow like a raging river rapid, forcing you to keep on writing until the wee hours. And there are even times when you come up with an idea for a post and wonder why you have never thought of doing a post about that before. This is one of those latter post…


Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Speeder Bike Cats

10 – Speeder Bik

There are probably thousands of youtube star wars cats out there, but for me, it is classic nerd styled images like this one that I still love see every now and again. I think it is the look of determination on the cats face that makes me smile so much, bless em.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: AT-AT Cat

9 – AT-AT

When it comes to movie scenes that show star wars cats fighting, it is this kitty that stands the best chance of survival. The truth is that this is a handmade cat tower in the style of an ATAT! That is one lucky cat or an unlucky cat with a nerdy owner.  Either way it works for me.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Storm Trooper Cat

8 – Strom Trooper

From all the funny images of star wars cats and dogs, it is the humble storm trooper that dogs pull off better than cats. Sure this kitty is trying his best to look scary and menacing, but much like in the film it is an epic miss like their laser fire.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Jabba the hutt cat

7 – Jabba the Hutt

Bring him the head of Hans Solo, and maybe some luxury kitty nibbles. In all the star wars cat videos it is always Jabba cats that don’t need any makeup or effects. Because they were overfed and made to fit into the role of the movie perfectly.

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Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Chewbacca cat

6 – Chewbacca

Out of all of these Star War cats it is the monstrous looking Meowbacca that I fear the most. Not only does the cat look massive, but it also seems to walk like a human as well! Weird indeed. I sure hope that this is a photoshop or that is one very scary cat.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Yoda Cat

5 – Yoda

Drink the milk I will, purr like an engine I do. Have you seen the star wars bootstheraider Cats video on youtube? Well, it is well worth a look if you get a chance. There are a lot of cat videos online to see, but make that top of the list.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: R2D2 Cat

4 – R2D2

Beep, beep, squirt! Or whatever those noises were that he kept on making. And how come R2D2 had flawless speech recognition, but yet couldn’t speak a word of it?!? If ever there is a musical of cats singing star wars themes, it is this cat that I would like to listen to the most.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Princess Leia Cat

3 – Princess Leia

This kitty seems to have the same sort of bone structure as the real Princess Leia! But it is that far away, a worried and thinking look that will win this cat the role in a PG cats star wars film. Or maybe just some nerdy comic signing placement. But work is work in the look-a-likes game!

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Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Darth Vader Cat

2 – Darth Vader

Often seen hanging around with star wars Darth maul cat, it is the classic Darth Vader cat.  To be fair, if I ever did see a cat wearing that at Halloween or indeed any time of the year it would probably have me in stitches and reach down for that epic selfie image.

Top 10 Images of Star Wars cats
Star Wars: Ewok Cat

1 – Ewok

Not only does this cat probably stand as tall as a real Ewok, but boy does it look like one! That chubby face makes the fancy dress headset look very real and authentic. Or maybe cats really are Ewoks and are living here because their home planted was destroyed.

Author: Gus Barge

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