Ten Amazing Recipes for Cupcakes Made From Soft Drinks

This post has come about because I was at a post-Halloween craft show today and as per usual, there was a cupcake seller. He had made the usual Oreo, works of art ones but also had some rather unusual Coke-Cola ones! Now I am sure many people reading this would have already tried some “fizzy pop drink ” cupcakes but not me, and now I want to know what other kinds people have made and discover for myself just what is…



Crush Orange Soft Drink Cupcakes
Crush Orange Soft Drink Cupcakes

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

I have not heard of “Orange Crush” before, but that doesn’t stop me from desperately wanting to try one of these amazing cupcakes!

Cherry Coke Soft Drink Cupcakes
Cherry Coke Soft Drink Cupcakes

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Now this is more like it! Not only is this my favourite fizzy drink, but also one of the best-looking cupcakes I have seen in a while!

Drink Cheerwine Soft Drink Cupcakes
Drink Cheerwine Soft Drink Cupcakes

8 – Make it Yourself: >> NO LONGER AVAILABLE <<

I have not come across “Cheerwine” before and have no idea what it might taste like.

Root Beer Soft Drink Cupcakes
Root Beer Soft Drink Cupcakes

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

I will be honest and tell you that I have never tried root beer before so have no idea how these might taste, but cupcakes + Beer = a very good cupcake indeed!

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Fanta Soft Drink Cupcakes
Fanta Soft Drink Cupcakes

6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

While I am almost sure that Fanta is the same stuff as number (10) orange crush it is a brand in its own right.

Lemonade Soft Drink Cupcakes
Lemonade Soft Drink Cupcakes

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

There is nothing better than a cold glass of Lemonade on a hot summers day, but, in theory, these cupcakes would go down nicely any time of the year!

Dr Pepper Soft Drink Cupcakes
Dr Pepper Soft Drink Cupcakes

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

I do love the taste of a cold glass of Dr Pepper now and again. So it will go without saying that these cupcakes will be high on my list to try.

Pepsi-Max Soft Drink Cupcakes
Pepsi-Max Soft Drink Cupcakes

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

Now this is what I am talking about! I don’t drink that much fizzy pop, but when I do it is almost always Pepsi Max. So for me, these really are the perfect cupcakes.

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Diet-Coke Soft Drink Cupcakes
Diet-Coke Soft Drink Cupcakes

2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

That I really loved about this cupcake is not only is it one of the best diet coke cupcakes out there, but they are also made with a packet cake mix! Deadly simple to make and sure to be devoured at any party.

Coke-Cola Soft Drink Cupcakes
Coke-Cola Soft Drink Cupcakes

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<

There are lots of these Coke-Cola inspired cupcakes, but as far as I am concerned this is the best of the best.

Author: Gus Barge

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