If your one of those people who like to go all out at Halloween with decorations and scary themed things, why not decorate the toilet as well…

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It might take a load of craft and art skills to pull this off, but you just know it would be so worth the effort.

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While it might not be all that scary in the daylight with a little bit of mood lighting this scar skull toilet seat could give a few people the frights.

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If clowns scare you this is going to make you need another toilet in a hurry! Or by the time you see this, it might be too late and you’ve gone anyway.

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While most people under the age of 30 simply won’t get this for a Halloween party theme it’s a good idea. Just remember not to fall asleep on the bog!
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There’s a lot of art and craft skills involved to make your toilet look like this, but it does indeed look very cool.

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The scary looking toilet monster has that angry lip curl going on. He is hungry and any innocent toilet goer could be his next meal!

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The toilet monster has been stopping children from going to the toilet alone since the toilet was invented! But if you want to make your toilet a Halloween hotspot you need to get those frights in.

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Some people do indeed have a fear of spiders (I’m one of them) but in places like Australia, this would be more than enough to make people run for the hills!
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We have all heard those horror stories of rats and snakes coming out of the toilet, so why not play on those fears with this rather creepy toilet seat decal.

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These days every kid has watched or played some sort of Zombie based thing, why not give them a fright with this very gory zombie toilet seat!