If there is a lesson I learned while making my post “Top 10 Amazing Animal Swarms on Trees” it is that a single animal can look cute, and a swarm of them can be very scary indeed. It seems the same can be said when it comes to Santa! These are some of the largest gatherings of people dressed as Santa in the World and I can only hope my little boy never comes across anything like them…

10 – Record Breaking
What you are looking at is well over 13,000 Santa’s and it is officially the largest gathering of Santa Clauses in the world and was held in the Guildhall Square in Derry City, Northern Ireland. Many of the images you are about to see are of this very event, but not all of them.

9 – Viva la Santa
This is the annual Santa run that takes place in Las Vegas every year. With it being a big charity fundraiser I suppose I can at least crack a smile about it even though it still looks weird then running in between palm trees.

8 – Jump for Joy
I can’t work out which it the funnier element to this image. Is it the guy with the camcorder and funny Santa beard, or the guy literally leaping for joy like a spring lamb, or is it our little Santa doing the run behind him. Well, I think its none of them. Instead, I think it is the 1 guy who looks like he is running the wrong way, can you find him?

7 – Spot and Find
Not only is there someone with a drink wearing silly glasses in the image somewhere, but it was also the Blue Santa’s that stood out. After a bit of digging, I did manage to find a rather amazing article (See Here) that says the blue Santa is the one true colour! Weird, but it seems like a legit story.
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6 – Bear in front
I am not sure what is going on here, but it does make for a rather scary scene regardless. They all look like they are just about to attack the poor bear! Run, bear, RUN!

5 – Half Santa
Now, this is what I call scary. These half-naked people in Santa Claus hats and underwear are part of the half naked ‘Santa Claus Run’, held every year in Budapest! I just hope it is not as cold over there as it is here.

4 – Santa’s Angels
Just when you thought gangs of Santas were kind of scary, I bring you a gang of Santa’s on bikes! Not so much Hells Angels, rather Festive Angels, but that doesn’t mean this lot don’t spell trouble!

3 – Viva Again
Much like image number 9, this is also the Las Vegas fun run. But that giant blue cocktail neon sign was such an amazing contrast to the red Santa suits that I had to include it.
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2 – Fade out
If this doesn’t give you nightmares nothing will. With literally thousands of Santa’s walking to a gathering and so many in fact that it seems to fade out into the winter’s night is a scary festive image indeed. Everything about this image is perfect, the colours the snow the amount, it all makes it eerily beautiful.

1 – Roller Ho, ho, ho
I love my roller coasters, but would I ride in one while everyone else is dressed as Santa? Well probably, but it sure looks like something I might dream about rather than a real event. Sadly I couldn’t find out about why they were doing it, but I would imagine it was for some Charity event.