Maltesers was once said to be “The lighter way to enjoy chocolate” well, these recipes are not going to make them any lighter. In fact, some of them will make them well and truly fattening. But that just means they’re tastier…

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
For those of us that don’t know (like me), a Tiffin is a form of cake-like confection composed of crushed biscuits. Making it perfect for a Malteser recipe

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Do your own truffle shuffle and shuffle a load of these into your mouth!

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Making a Mousse from Maltesers might make it, even more, lighter, so you will just have to eat loads of it!

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
It might be a little too much Malt honeycomb in one cookie, but I would be more than happy to do a taste test.
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6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
I personally find macarons quite hard to make, but it is recipes like this that keep me trying.

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
With layer upon layer of goodness, this is almost a work of art rather than a cake. My favourite kind of art indeed.

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
If there is one thing I love making it has to be cheesecake and this is one recipe I just have to try myself.

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
These little snack balls are the perfect movie treat. Just remember to fill the bowl to the top before the movie starts as there is nothing worse than having to pause it just to get a refill.
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2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
With summer coming up fast this could be a great treat for both adults and kids.

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
You just can’t go wrong with Malteser cupcakes, they taste great and not too complicated. Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest.