The Ten Most Common Negative Impacts of Alcohol

The Ten Most Common Negative Impacts of Alcohol

Alcohol that is used on a frequent basis can sometimes work for the better; in other cases, however, harm one’s health. Any type of alcohol, be it added to exotic cocktails or drunk separately, indeed, makes the company cheer up. It helps those being shy or awkward gain more brevity and strength and act more naturally and freely as they would never be when sober.

Alcohol is a loved part of the atmosphere whenever there is anything to celebrate. In some families, however, it is a tradition to always start the evening meal with a glass of wine, for example. However cheering, freshening and pleasant an alcoholic drink may be, you should always keep a limit. Once the limit is exceeded the light effect of the alcohol turns out to be the enemy of your health gradually killing you inside. So let us have a look at the list of the top 10 negative impacts of alcohol.

10. Weight Gain or Malnutrition

Drinking alcohol in measure, a small glass during dinner or supper is not a case to worry about. Everything consumed in appropriate amounts is ok for your health. But once you lose count of the glasses of alcohol taken it really makes things difficult.

There are cases when some people lose, others gain weight because of too much alcohol intake. The reason is such. Alcohol has a tendency to create appetite, so when drinking it during a meal it may cause you to eat more than you would normally do, so accordingly if repeated on a regular basis, you will end up gaining weight. In other cases, however, a typical chronic alcoholic who does not limit the use of this drink to one or two glasses and does not see anything else apart from the bottle of his lifelong dream: the alcohol, is never likely to gain even a pound. So he only finds satisfaction and pleasure in drinking the poisonous stuff only, which ruins his stomach. They get too addicted to the latter that forget about eating, starve on regular basis accordingly they lose weight. When large amounts of alcohol are consumed, the body senses that its caloric needs have been met. This produces a decreased demand for other types of food.

9. Cancer

Different health-based studies have shown an association between alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer especially. The mechanism of this effect is not yet known, but the association may be due to carcinogenic actions of alcohol or its metabolites, to alcohol-induced changes in levels of hormones such as estrogens, or to some other process.

There is a high risk of breast cancer for women consuming more than the average dose per day. Not only an excess consumption of alcohol but also even a little dose of it can speed up this deadly disease, in case the organism is weak and can easily catch the negative impact.

8. Accidents

Too much use of alcohol can lead to worse things in life. Most accidents are caused when a driver starts the vehicle, not in a sober state. Since you are under the alcohol influence, you think and orient slowly, thus any slight traffic mistake can lead to catastrophe, sometimes even ending in death. Think not only about yourself but also care about the people that may be in the car with you. Risking your life you also risk the lives of those innocent people.

7. Loss of Control Over Your Speech

Too much alcohol can be causing brain damage and result in slowed thinking, unsteady walking and slurred speech. Alcohol can erase all the good about your personality leaving only the worse impacts. When being under too much alcohol consumption you forget about politeness, being civilized or friendly and acting like a real stranger. It really affects your behaviour making it inappropriate. You can insult someone with the wrong choice of words. Normally you lose your speech rhythm and start speaking with difficulties, not being able to put words together for forming a meaningful sentence.

Alcohol can damage the brain in many ways. The most serious effect is Korsakoff’s syndrome, which is characterized by the inability to remember recent events or to learn new information. So you may insult someone and not even remember the next day that you have acted like that.

The Ten Most Common Negative Impacts of Alcohol

6. Heart Disease

Numerous studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption helps protect against heart disease by raising HDL cholesterol and reducing plaque accumulations in your arteries. However, excessive drinking can cause cardiovascular disease damaging the heart and its blood vessels. Heavy drinking on a continuing basis can damage the heart and lead to high blood pressure, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and stroke of course. Chronic drinking puts more fat into the circulation in your body, raising your triglyceride level. That’s why whenever you already have problems with your heart do not make things even worse by speeding up your “Suicide”.

There are so many healthier ways to reduce your risk of heart disease like eating right, getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Stick to such habits and avoid alcohol. Besides the latter may have even worse effects on you when you are no longer that young, since the older you are, the more difficult it becomes for your body to metabolize alcohol.

5. High Blood Pressure

This is strongly connected with heart functioning. Excessive alcohol use can raise your blood pressure to an unhealthy level. Reducing alcohol consumption will reduce blood pressure by a few points on both the systolic and diastolic numbers. High blood pressure is directly related to the occurrence of stroke. So think about your heart, which is the number one most important organ in your life and you should not experiment with it.

4. Bad Temper Leads to Fights and Wounds

When you drink too much alcohol, you lose control over your behaviour and start finding reasons to fight with the people surrounding you. These fights generally lead to getting lots of bruises and wounds. Not a good scene to have a look at yourself in the mirror the next morning. So always keep in mind the negative impact of the latter on your body and never pass the limits.

3. Affecting Liver

Another negative impact on your health is that alcohol affects your liver. The negative effect is characterized by persistent inflammation of the liver, and cirrhosis is characterized by progressive scarring of liver tissue. Normal liver function is essential to life. Alcohol-induced liver ruins the body’s metabolism, eventually impairing the function of other organs as well.

The body’s natural defences against free radicals (e.g., antioxidants) can be inhibited by alcohol consumption, leading to increased liver damage.

The Ten Most Common Negative Impacts of Alcohol

2. Risking Your Pregnancy

Alcohol can hurt the fetus. It is strongly prohibited to use alcohol at all during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy periods. Whenever you are planning to have a baby you should think about it prior to the pregnancy. Your organism should be thoroughly prepared for this crucial change. So refrain from alcohol abuse 2 or 3 months prior to the pregnancy, since you should have a healthy base on to build your new growing organism. Secondly, the use of alcohol can cause damage to the growing baby and you may end up either with a miscarriage or delivering an unhealthy baby. Alcohol can raise your child’s risk of having problems with learning, speech, attention span, language, and hyperactivity upon birth. And thirds, whenever breastfeeding, this drink should be omitted from your intake completely.

1. Addiction that Leads to Chronic Alcoholism

Satisfying the demand to drink becomes an essential part of the alcoholic’s life. This urge can become stronger than sexual needs, stronger than the need to satisfy hunger, stronger than love and respect towards those close to the people. Alcoholics praise alcohol more than anything else in life. Tension, depression and stress, anger and excitement can all together create the desire to take a drink.

These types of people lose interest towards everything else in the world. They do not accept help from their relatives and usually do not get on well with them, thus isolating themselves and becoming a real outcasts.

No matter how long an alcoholic has been sober, he or she will always be at risk for alcohol abuse again. As time passes with sobriety, the urge to drink weakens and occurs less often. But once they notice a single chance to drink or see a full bottle it is already beyond them to stand the temptation.

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