Man caves and rooms are somewhere where us nerdy blokes can unwind and relax after a hard day’s work. But then are not exclusively for me, they can be fun for the whole family! But mostly it is a nerd cave, full of all the things the designer loves…

10 – Gentleman’s Club
Man caves don’t have to be all sports and tech, they can be a place where a few gentlemen play some cards and talk about golf!

9 – Coca-Cola
Why not theme the room to the food or drink you love the most! Then you can spend all day in that very room enjoying the thing you modelled it on.

8 – Motor Head
Not so much a room or a cave, but more a man warehouse! If you have the money then go for it I say. Just remember who your real friends are when you have built it.

7 – Music Room
Why not have a man cave that is nothing more than your own personal music studio! Perfect for jamming with friends and reliving those musical dreams.
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6 – Man Rink
If you love anything on Ice, from hockey to ice-skating this might be a good idea. I have to wonder if it really is ice, or just a shiny lino.

5 – The Guns of Mancavene
You would have to be a serious gun nut to enjoy being in this room, I would see this as a nightmare! But surrounding yourself with the things you love is what a man-cave is all about.

4 – Sports Package
It doesn’t have to be NFL like this room, it could be any sports/club theme going on. Anywhere where you have designed it yourself is a man cave, even a garden shed!

3 – Solo Mission
Man caves don’t have to be light and inviting, they can be a dark and solitary place that is built for one person only. Normal made for whoever designed it!
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2 – Theater Room
With enough speakers to blow your hair off at 100ft away and a TV bigger than your eyes will ever need is the ultimate in home cinema, and a dream man cave if ever I can afford it I will be doing this for sure.

1 – Nintenroom
NES pad coffee table, 14 Nintendo cushions, Zelda books, Mario all decals and various other Nintendo themed things makes this a man room I can aspire to.