I know she did it for a logical reason, but growing being one of those kids whose mother always wrote your name on the label of your clothes left me with ridicule. I was just lucky to be big enough to prevent anyone from bullying me and anyone else around me. But looking back maybe I should have taken the time to read those clothes labels a little closer…

10 – Clean it up
If I had a penny every time I stopped putting on an item of clothing wondering if I needed to clean my rear end I would be a very poor man indeed. But lucky for us lot this label lets you know if you should or not! Serious, what has happened to make them put this on the clothes!? It certainly needs explaining.

9 – Monster Chat
Even little Domo get sin on the action when it comes to clothing labels. If you don’t know who Domo is, he is the official mascot of Japan’s public broadcaster NHK, appearing in several 30-second stop-motion interstitial sketches. They love him, and it seems he gets everywhere.

8 – Good Advice
I was going to start up a brand new business the other day making and selling clothing labels with food and diet advice on them, but it seems someone beat me to it. Does it mean an actual fruit salad made from fruit or the sweet kind?!?

7 – Space Suit
I suppose one day this might be relevant information. But these days it is not needed so much. But at least you don’t have to go to the counter and ask if it was made on Earth because with this clothing range you would instantly know!
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6 – Festive Time
The last thing you need to think about and indeed worry about is how to clean your new clothes at Christmas time. It is a time to be merry, put on your funny Christmas tshirts, and have fun, not worry if it is machine washable.

5 – Size Does Matter
Size ‘M’ Then what would it say on my clothes? Maybe the ‘XL’ stands for “Xtreme Lion”. Whatever it stands for I don’t care because this clothing label clearly has a big mouth and needs to be pulled off the hanger and burned.

4 – Life Story
At the end of the day, I will look at a clothing label to find out what way is safe to watch it, I do not, however, want a life story about how cool it is! But this label really needs to chillax as it clearly is going right off on one long range.

3 – Right Sized Monkeys
TopGear is a program that features 3 old people that get up to all sorts of weird and wonderful mischief with cars. So it goes without saying that their merchandise is going to have the same weird sense of humour which it does.
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2 – Best and worst case scenario
Of course, you are going to need the best way to get results from cleaning your garment. But one of the last bits of information you are going to need is a way to get the worst results. But the information is sound either way.

1 – Mum knows best
I know it is slightly sexist, but that is the way things are. Mums know what to do when it comes to washing. They don’t need to look at labels and clothes tags to know how to wash them because but simply feeling them they instantly know. Well, that is how I see it anyway, or am I giving my mum too much credit and in reality she simply reads the label!?