Ten of the Very Best Pictures of Cats With Different Coloured Eyes

Heterochromia Iridum is the scientific name for when a cat (or human, or indeed any other animal) is born with different coloured eyes. In 95% of cases, it will be one colour from the mother and one from the father. So because it is Caturday I bring you…



Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

10 – Cat with one Blue eye, one Orange eye

In this first sunning photo this pure white cats shows how stark the differences can be between the colour of the eyes. But it is almost always blue and is only and other combination of colours once in a 100 million!

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

9 – Cat with one Blue eye, one Green eye

With humans and cats, the colour of the eye is determined by the amount of a pigment known as menalin, but in other animals it can be any number of different reasons. The only other way us humans or cats end up with different coloured eyes is because of injury.

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

8 – Cat with one Green eye, one Blue eye

While throughout this post I have said they “Have” Heterochromia iridis it is not a medical condition, and an odd-eyed cat certainly does not suffer any disadvantage from being so so it is hardly a problem if they do or do not. But it does makes them look beautiful.

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

7 – Cat with one Orange eye, one Blue eye

Strangely, this condition most commonly affects white cats! But it can be found in a cat of any colour fur even all black ones. But on the white cats it is more effective as you can see with this sunning photo of a white cat with coloured eyes.

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Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

6 – Cat with one Yellow eye, one Blue eye

This is a mostly black, male, Calico Cat with Heterochromia Iridum and if you keep reading the facts below you will soon realise that this cat is very rare indeed, but will never, ever father any more of them becuse of some weird science formula.

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

5 – Cat with one Blue eye, one Yellow eye

Here is an odd fact for you, all kittens are born with blue eyes regardless of if they have Heterochromia Iridum or not!  It is only after about 12 weeks that you can truly see a kittens eye colour. But it is thought that some cat breeds are more likely to develop it than others.

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

4 – Cat with one Orange eye, one Blue eye

For a wow fact at parties, the blue in a cats eye is exactly the same as the colour of the sky. In fact, they are one and the same thing. (Eyes are blue because it is the scattering of light in the iris.) So those sky blue eyes really are the right choice of words.

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

3 – Cat with one Blue eye, one Yellow eye

Calico Cats are a cat that has multiple colours are much more likely to have different coloured eyes. What is even more strange is that 9.99% of Calicos cats are Female! As another downside on the male half, of the 1 in 3000 male calicos that are born, 91% of them are sterile.

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Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

2 – Cat with one Blue eye, one Green eye

On a cat with rather grey coloured fur that one blue eye looks amazing and almost magical! Strangely it was once thought that all odd-eyed cats were born deaf in one ear, but this only happens in about 10% of cats with Heterochromia Iridum

Top 10 Cats with Different Coloured Eyes
Cat With Heterochromia Iridum

1 – Cat with one Yellow eye, one Blue eye

This is, of course, Venus the famous chimera cat. This Harvey Dent style ‘two-faced’ cat who is a bit of an internet star simple suffers like all the rest of these superstar cats. He has Heterochromia Iridum, and he has it bad.

Author: Gus Barge

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