Category: Vehicles and Transportation

Top 10 Snowproof Trucks and Cars With Tank Tracks

These crazy cars that have been given tank tracks are often used by people who…

Top 10 Crazy Ways To Recycle Army Tanks

Poor little tanks. Once upon a time, they were seen as war machines capable of…

Top 10 Learner Animals Driving Cars

Are you lucky enough to own your own car? You like going for drives, cruising…

Ten Colourful Tanks That Stick Out Like a Sore Thumb on the Battlefield

You don’t need me to tell you that tanks are the colours they are because…

Top 10 Crazy Banana Cars With Real Appeal

Do you run a fruit and veg stall at the local market? Or maybe you…

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Ferrari Paint Jobs

Here is a problem only 1% of us humans have: You’ve brought a new Ferrari…

Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Trains

While I do like to travel via trains I always find their appearance a little…

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Shaped Boats

Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for…

Top 10 Weird and Wacky Cars Shaped Like Shoes

Have you ever wondered why the rear of the car is called the boot? (As…

Top 10 Obviously Fake Ferraris

This post isn’t about some dodgy second-hand car dealer! The very fake Ferraris you are about…

Ten of the Craziest and Unusual Mobile Libraries From Around the World

While some people think the internet has killed off most the local libraries and made…

Top 10 Crazy and Unusual Yellow School Buses

Have you ever seen a yellow School bus either on TV or ion a film?…

Top 10 Creative and Unusual Motorcycle Sidecars

There used to be quite a few avid enthusiasts who built and maintained these types…

Top 10 Cute Dogs On Motorbikes

Let’s face it, all dogs are naughty now and again (I know my own dog…

Top 10 Volkswagen Campervan and Beetle Furniture

I have heard and read a lot of people saying that VW made some of…

Ten Cars You Need to Be Driving About in This Easter

Any connection to Christianity has mostly forgotten these days and kids probably think Jesus was…