Do you run a fruit and veg stall at the local market? Or maybe you just love the yellow, curved fruit its self. No matter what you do you will never fail to get a smile out of people as they take selfies next to your very own banana-shaped vehicle…

10 – Fruit Music
This crazy banana shaped 1992 Pontiac Grand Am was made for the Bloodhound Gang music video: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

9 – VW Banana Bug
With a mix of Volkswagen, banana and photoshop this is one crazy vehicle that also looks like it would be a lot of fun to drive.

8 – Sports Fruits
We have all been there. You have saved up enough for a nice sports car, but you also need more banana in your life. Well, thanks to photoshop again you can have your banana and drive it!

7 – Fruity Fyffes
When you want to drive around promoting bananas Fyffes has the answer, this old Citroen 2CV covered in plastic bananas!
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6 – The Appeal of Speed
This is one of those images that is hard to work out if it is real or not. I would guess it was a photoshop job, but it also looks like a feasible car.

5 – Burning Bananas
Seen at the crazy Burning man festival there is always some crazy contraptions driving around. It just so happened that this year it was a banana!

4 – Wide Pealed
Now, this looks like the ultimate big wheel car for getting about town! I have not idea who made it, but I would buy one!

3 – Crazy Future With little Appeal
Have weapons loaded, futuristic car, have one that looks like the batmobile, and if you really must, you can have Mahatma Gandhi driving it. But don’t shape it like a banana! Let’s face it, we will be lucky if any fruits are still around in the future!
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2 – Desert Mirage
You know you have been walking in the desert too long when you come across someone who is offering you a lift in his banana shaped pedal car!

1 – World Tour
You know you have achieved just about everything you ever wanted to in life when you start to tour around the world in a banana shaped car! At least he has room for a few fellow fruit lovers in the back.