I’m not really sure why there are so many animals in bee costumes on the internet, maybe the web is full of beekeepers or maybe these animals are all wanna-bees. At least this lot won’t sting us, so let’s get flower sniffing as we look at ten buzztastic beasts…

10 – Goosbee
What’s good for the goose is good for the bee!? Or is it: What’s good for the bee is good for the goose?

9 – Pigbee
This little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed home and dresses up as a bee! It’s enough to make me go wee wee wee all the way home!

8 – Ratbee
A bee that can live in the sewers and climb up a drain pipe is a scary bee indeed. But even worse is the size of that stinger coming out of his rear end!
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7 – Hamstbee
The little Dwarf hamster isn’t much bigger than a fully grown bee! All he needs is wings and a custom build stinger and he will be the fastest animal in the world that can sting you!
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6 – Rabbee
If a little bunny dresses as a bee doesn’t make you smile you are reading the wrong blog!

5 – Catabee
He buzzes around your knees, gets in the way of BBQ food preparation and attacks for no reason! Now imagine how bad this cat will be dressed as a bee!

4 – Beever!
This beaver looks so happy about his costume I can’t help but smile at him! To be as happy as this animal is right now can only be done with a bee costume!

3 – Guinea Bee
If I had a Guinea pig I wouldn’t dream of making him dress up as a bee, but fair play this is cute set to the max. Those little glasses just make it extra special.
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2 – Dogbee
He buzzes around flowers all day long then cocks his leg against them by night! But sadly he tends to eat all the honey the hive makes making himself a hive outcast.

1 – Parobee
While he could already fly this bird wanted to live in a hive with lots of other bees, not home alone every night being told what a pretty boy he is.