Dark underarms are a concern for most people despite the fact that they are not always a medical problem. The Spanish and the African Americans are the main races that are affected by darker underarms as compared to the rest of their bodies. Each day, men and women are seeking out ways to whiten their underarms for cosmetic purposes. However, as much as you want to whiten dark patches on your underarms and armpits, it is essential to understand what causes the darkening.
Firstly, an underarm or armpit may darken due to the increased production of skin pigmentation cells. The pigmentation cells increased production is triggered by excessive shaving. Other reasons why you may have dark underarms are due to clogging of sweat pores, use of shaving creams that irritate the skin and use of deodorants that are reactive with your skin. Even if you have dark patches on your underarm, there is hope that the condition can be eliminated. Here is a list of three proven ways to whiten your underarms and armpits.
Guide on How to Whiten Your Underarms and Armpits

Stop Using Cheap Store Bought Deodorants
While some won’t there are many shop name branded underarm deodorants that can change the colour of your skin over time. While stopping these after it has changed colour won’t help not using them so much before it changes colour will.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps your body to kill a lot of the bacteria on the skin that causes the skin colouration in the first place. Simply apply it directly to the skin a few times a week and over time you should see it started to whiten the applied areas. This also helps weaken underarm odours which is a nice bonus effect.

Lemon and Sugar Scrub
While using nothing but lemon juice is more common by throwing in some sugar into the mix it helps to exfoliant the skin meaning more of the lemon juice goes into it and makes the whitening effect happen a lot faster.

Coconut Oil
I am always surprised by the number of things you can do with coconut oil and it is well known for being both a health and beauty aid. So it will come to little surprise that you can indeed use it to significantly repair discoloured areas of the skin.
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Honey, Oats and Lemon
While at first, this sounds like some sort of cereal recipe it really does work wonders when it comes to underarm discolouration. Simply mix a teaspoon of honey with the juice of a lemon and then throw in 2 tablespoons of oatmeal into the mix and stir. Then apply this mix to the affected areas and leave it for about 10 minutes. Then simply rinse off and repeat a few times a week. While a lot of effort the results can be surprisingly apparent.

Baking Soda
All you need to do is mix a little bit of baking soda with some water to form a thick paste then apply that directly to the underarms. As with the Honey, Oats and Lemon mix you just need to wait 10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. The only thing I will add to this home remedy is to make sure you wash thoroughly both before and after.

Cows Milk and Honey
In case you didn’t know cows milk has a lot of vitamins and fatty acids in it and is widely used as an underarm whitening agent. All you need to do is to apply equal amounts of honey and milk into a bowl and apply it to the armpit and other coloured areas. Then as with others wait 10 minutes and wash it off. For the best results it is best to use full-fat cows milk rather than skimmed.

Use of creams can be a sure way to clear dark armpits and underarms.
The creams work faster than other natural methods. Notably, increased melanin production causes dark skin pigmentation. Some areas of the body are more prone to darkening as opposed to others. Underarms are such areas that tend to darken due to various reasons as mentioned above. An underarm whitening cream is designed to inhibit excessive melanin production on problem areas thus whitening them. Such creams are highly regulated and it is important to ensure the one you use is approved because the ingredients so used may be associated with side effects. Some of the side effects include irritation or even skin cancer. You can choose to buy the creams over the counter or visit a dermatologist.
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Potato juice is another way to clear dark underarms.
Potatoes are readily available in almost all parts of the world and are a natural way of skin lightening. You can choose to cut a potato into two halves and use each half on each underarm. Rub the part of the potato that is cut onto your skin making sure the juice is absorbed. Leave it on your skin for 10-20 minutes then rinse off with cold water. Alternatively, you can squeeze the potato juice into a container and then apply it on your skin. Apply every day for quick results.

Lemon is also used as a natural way of whitening dark armpits and underarms.
Lemon has vitamins and acids that aid in the exfoliation and clearing of spots on the skin. For many years, a lemon has been used as a bleaching agent and has been proven to work. You may decide to rub a slice of lemon on your underarm and leave it for some time then rinse off with cold water. However, lemon may dry out your skin and therefore, instead, you can squeeze the juice into a bowl and add some little honey then rub it onto your skin. The results can best be realized if applied daily.
Confidence to flaunt open tops can be achieved if your dark underarms are whitened. It is important to first know whether the cause of the darkening is medical before embarking on any solution. The 10 proven ways to whiten your dark underarms and armpits are the use of whitening creams, use of potato juice and lemon.