When most people think of rice recipes they will imagine meals like curries. But rice is such a diverse ingredient that it can be made into just about anything, including some rather tasty dessert…

10 – Rice Pudding – egyptianstreets.com/2014/06/29/19-middle-eastern-desserts-to-remember-this-ramadan
Most people seem to add a dash of cinnamon to this recipe, but I prefer it just the way it is.

9 – Brown Rice & Coconut – paulhaider.wordpress.com/2013/05/02/whole-foodsplant-based-coconut-rice-dessert-with-almonds-pumpkin-seeds
This nice and healthy dessert can also be used to start your day. Start the day the right way with pudding!

8 – Sticky Rice Cakes – khiewchanta.com/archives/desserts/red-rice-cakes-kao-nhiew-dang-1.html
Made with Brown Sugar, Coconut Sugar, Coconut Milk, Sesame Seeds and of course rice, are these little treats that are light in calories but massive on taste.

7 – Chocolate Black Rice – feralkitchen.com/2011/07/23/chocolate-black-rice-pudding
This is a good spin on the original rice pudding recipe and one that is healthier than it looks and sounds. But it’s not one for the kids because it contains Grand Marnier.
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6 – Apricot & Rice Pudding Pops – bonappetit.com/recipe/apricot-rice-pudding-pop
While at first, this sounds rather vile it might be OK if the recipe is made creamy enough.

5 – Rice Worms – khiewchanta.com/archives/desserts/steamed-desserts/sesame-rice-worms-kanom-dong.html
This recipe sounds a lot tastier by looking at the list of ingredients. Rose Water, Sesame Seeds, Sugar, Coconut Milk and rice gives this recipe a sort of slightly salty, slightly sweet taste.

4 – Steamed Rice Pudding – www.taste.com.au/recipes/26947/steamed+rice+puddings+with+coconut+cream
There is a real art to making a good looking steamed rice pudding and it can go horribly wrong. But if you fancy yourself as a good chef this recipe is well worth trying.

3 – Crunchy Rice Cakes – www.seeingfood.com/korean-new-years-dessert-crunchy-rice-cake-bites
While you do need a pre-made plain sticky rice cake for this recipe it is interesting nether the less.
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2 – Coconut Rice Pudding – www.seeingfood.com
This pie sounds like a bit of a mashup of desserts, but also rather mouthwatering.

1 – Dark Chocolate Dipped – www.foodiloveyou.com/2013/02/06/dark-chocolate-dipped-kahlua-rice-krispy-treats/photo-5/
It’s easy to make these rice treat days and if you make your own Krispies as well it can be double healthy! The kids will also love to take these in their lunch boxes.